• SUNation Energy

    171 Remington Blvd, Ronkonkoma, NY 11779

    Experience: Since 2003

    Areas Covered: NY, FL

    SolarReviews: 4.82

    Local Expert, Experienced Installer, NABCEP Certified

    Based on our assessment, we would recommend SUNation Energy to those seeking a reliable and experienced solar installer. Their high customer satisfaction ratings, comprehensive range of services, and commitment to quality make them a standout choice in the solar industry. However, potential customers should be aware of the company’s limited geographic reach and ensure that their communication expectations are met. SUNation Energy has proven itself to be a trusted provider of solar solutions. With their customer-centric approach and commitment to quality, they are well-positioned to continue making a positive impact in the renewable energy sector.
    Based on our assessment, we would recommend SUNation Energy to those seeking a reliable and experienced solar installer. Their high customer satisfaction ratings, comprehensive range of services, and commitment to quality make them a standout choice in the solar industry. However, potential customers should be aware of the company’s limited geographic reach and ensure that their communication expectations are met. SUNation Energy has proven itself to be a trusted provider of solar solutions. With their customer-centric approach and commitment to quality, they are well-positioned to continue making a positive impact in the renewable energy sector.
  • Paradise Energy Solutions

    3105 Lincoln Hwy E, Paradise, PA 17562

    Experience: Since 2009.

    Areas Covered: PA, NY, NJ, DE, MD, VA, OH

    SolarReviews: 4.85

    Local Expert, Experienced Installer, NABCEP Certified, Trusted Solar Provider

    Based on our research and the reviews from customers, we would recommend Paradise Energy Solutions to those looking for a reliable and experienced solar installer in the Mid-Atlantic states. Their high customer satisfaction ratings, comprehensive services, and commitment to quality make them a strong choice for anyone considering solar energy. However, as with any major decision, we advise potential customers to do their own research and consider multiple options before making a decision.
    Based on our research and the reviews from customers, we would recommend Paradise Energy Solutions to those looking for a reliable and experienced solar installer in the Mid-Atlantic states. Their high customer satisfaction ratings, comprehensive services, and commitment to quality make them a strong choice for anyone considering solar energy. However, as with any major decision, we advise potential customers to do their own research and consider multiple options before making a decision.


Solar Energy Consultant

We rate solar installers from 1 to 5 stars to help you pick the best one. High stars mean they're really good at what they do and treat their customers right. Low stars? Not so much. We give credit to companies that have been around for a while, know what they are doing, have a high standard of workmanship and equipment, don’t hire subcontractors to keep the bar of solar installation quality high and have good local reviews from real customers (yes, we check if the reviews are actually real or fake). Companies we choose as top-rated know and can help with federal and local solar incentives to help you save, have good financing plans, and guarantee their work. We're here to point you to the solar companies that truly rock, making going solar easy and worthwhile for you.

Read how we rate installers

See how much it will  cost to install solar panels for your home.

How Do We Rate Solar Companies?

TL;DR: We rate solar installers from 1 to 5 stars to help you pick the best one. High stars mean they’re really good at what they do and treat their customers right. Low stars? Not so much. We give credit to companies that have been around for a while, know what they are doing, have a high standard of workmanship and equipment, don’t hire subcontractors to keep the bar of solar installation quality high and have good local reviews from real customers (yes, we check if the reviews are actually real or fake). Companies we choose as top-rated know and can help with federal and local solar incentives to help you save, have good financing plans, and guarantee their work. We’re here to point you to the solar companies that truly rock, making going solar easy and worthwhile for you.

Check our detailed review process here.

Is It Worth Going Solar in New York?

Financial Savings: Solar power can lead to substantial electricity savings over the life of the system. When you compare the price of electricity per kilowatt-hour, solar emerges as a much cheaper option. For instance, a 7.6 kW solar system in Brooklyn, after factoring in the average sunlight, roof angle, and panel degradation over time, is expected to produce 233,329 kWh of electricity over 25 years. The cost per kilowatt-hour of home solar plus battery storage for this customer in Brooklyn comes to 6.5 cents per kWh.

Incentives and Tax Credits: Homeowners in New York can take advantage of ongoing federal, state, and local incentives. These include tax credits, rebates, and beneficial net metering policies. For example, the Investment Tax Credit (ITC) is a federal incentive that allows you to deduct 26% of the cost of your solar energy system from your taxes.

Increased Home Value: Installing solar panels can increase your home value. If you plan to sell your house in the future, solar panels can be an attractive perk for potential homebuyers.

By generating your own electricity, you can minimize your reliance on the grid. This creates stability during periods of electric rate changes.

*However, the decision to go solar also depends on your specific circumstances, such as your energy consumption, the orientation and shading of your roof, and your budget. It’s recommended to get a personalized quote from a solar installer to understand the potential savings and payback period for your home.

How much does solar save homeowners in New York?

Solar Savings: A typical 10 kW solar system in New York can save homeowners more than $100,000 in electricity costs over its lifetime. The average homeowner saves $36,397 over the lifetime of their solar system.

Payback Period: The payback period is the time it takes for the energy savings to exceed the cost of installing solar panels. In New York, the average payback period for residential solar is around 7-10 years, although this can vary depending on your utility rates, incentives, system size, and other factors.

Comparison with Traditional Electric Bills: Before installing solar panels, homeowners are subject to fluctuating electricity rates and monthly bills from their utility company. After installing solar panels, homeowners can generate their own electricity, reducing or even eliminating their electricity bills. Any excess electricity generated by the solar panels can be fed back into the grid in exchange for credits, further reducing electricity costs.

Bills After Solar Installation: After solar installation, the balance due on your monthly bills will be much lower – or even negative – because your solar production replaces and offsets the cost of buying grid electricity from your utility. Oftentimes, electric bills after solar installation are zero or credited through net-metering, meaning the homeowner sent more electricity to the grid than they consumed.

What is the average cost of going solar in New York?

As of March 2024, the average cost of a solar panel system in New York is approximately $3.10 per watt, including installation. For a typical 5 kW system, this comes out to about $15,507 before incentives. However, prices can range from $13,181 to $17,833.

  • Cost After Incentives: The Federal Investment Tax Credit (ITC) can lower the cost of your solar system by 30% of all your solar equipment and installation costs. So, after applying the ITC, the cost of a 5 kW system could drop to around $10,855.
  • Cost Variation: The cost of solar panels can vary based on the system size, equipment type, and installation factors. For instance, the cost of a solar panel system in New York ranges from around $30,000 to $50,000 before tax credits.
  • Cost per Watt: The cost-per-watt is a valuable metric for comparing system sizes and types. The cost-per-watt in New York averages around $3.20.

*It’s important to note that these are average costs and the exact cost can vary depending on specific circumstances. Therefore, it’s recommended to get a detailed quote or consult with a solar professional to understand the potential costs in your specific situation.

New York Solar Incentives

New York offers several incentives and rebates for homeowners who choose to go solar:

Federal Incentives: The federal government offers the Investment Tax Credit (ITC), which allows homeowners to deduct 30% of the cost of their solar energy system from their taxes. This credit applies to systems installed between 2022 and 2032.

New York State Solar Equipment Tax Credit: This state-level incentive allows you to deduct 25% of the cost of your solar energy system from your state taxes, up to $5,000.

Megawatt Block Incentive: This program provides an upfront dollars-per-watt ($/W) rebate for both commercial and residential solar panel systems. The size of your subsidy depends on the size of your system, the current Megawatt block, and your region.

NY-Sun Initiative: This is an umbrella program for a number of solar industry support mechanisms in New York State. It provides the backbone for the state’s Community Solar and K-Solar programs.

Net Metering: This policy ensures you get paid a fair price for the solar electricity that you send into the grid. Any credits for excess solar power that you accrue are stored in a “credit bank” and can be used in future months.

Sales Tax Exemption: Solar energy systems are exempt from state sales tax.

Property Tax Exemption: Any increase in property value from installing solar is exempt from property tax.

*These incentives make solar energy a more affordable and attractive option for homeowners in New York. However, it’s important to note that most incentive programs are only authorized for a certain period of time or until funding runs out.

Net Metering Policies in NY

Net Metering Basics: Net Metering is a billing arrangement between you and your utility. When your solar system produces more electricity than you use, the excess power is exported back to the grid. In return, you receive credits on your electricity bill.

New York has offered net metering to solar homeowners since 1997. As of March 2023, net metering is still available in New York State.

Transition to VDER: New York is currently transitioning to a new solar billing program called Value of Distributed Energy Resources (VDER). VDER is designed to reflect both the benefits and costs of home solar, providing a more accurate billing rate for excess solar energy.

Customer Benefit Contribution (CBC): New Yorkers who go solar qualify for full-retail net metering, but have to pay a monthly CBC charge. The CBC charge ranges between $0.30 to $1.33 per kilowatt of solar installed on your roof, depending on your utility.

Choice of Plan: Homeowners can choose to either use the current transitional net metering program, called “Phase One plus CBC”, or they can opt into the VDER program.

Benefits of Net Metering: Net metering can provide an incentive to go solar by offsetting your electric bill, save you money on your electric costs over time, help you become less reliant on your utility company, and allow you to generate clean, renewable energy.

Are There Any Community Solar Programs in New York?

Yes, New York offers several community solar programs:

  1. Community Solar for Your Home – NYSERDA: This program allows New Yorkers to save money every month on their electric bills. Unlike traditional solar, where an array is installed on your roof or property, community solar is installed at an offsite location. You can subscribe to the community solar project and receive credits on your regular electric bill for the clean energy produced.
  2. Find a Community Solar Project – NYSERDA: This tool helps New Yorkers find community solar providers offering subscriptions. The results show the providers offering community solar in your utility’s service territory.

Community solar programs help support local renewable energy jobs and project development in New York, connecting you directly to clean energy projects in your community. You can save 5-10% off of your annual electricity costs with community solar.

These programs make it easier for homeowners, renters, and businesses to access the benefits of solar energy, even if they can’t install solar panels on their own property. They also support the growth of local renewable energy jobs and project development.

Frequently Asked Questions

  1. Research and Vetting: Start by researching potential solar installers. Look for companies with a strong reputation and positive customer reviews. Check if they have the necessary state licensing requirements.
  2. Get Multiple Quotes: Obtain quotes from multiple installers to compare prices and services. This will also give you an idea of the installation approaches and equipment used by different companies.
  3. Understand the Installation Process: A residential solar power system is complex and requires coordination with the utility company and relevant authorities in your area. A reputable solar installation company will handle all the paperwork and make the process easier for you.
  4. Avoid Solely Price-Based Decisions: Choosing a company solely based on its pricing can be a mistake that may cost you in the future. Ensure the company meets other factors on this list before choosing the cheapest available option.
  5. Check the Installation Method: It’s essential to know the solar company’s method of installation. A sub-standard installation job can compromise your roof’s waterproof integrity, resulting in losses.
  6. Avoid Power Purchase Agreements and Leases: Some big solar installation companies often avoid selling solar systems to their clients1. It’s generally better to buy your own system so you can benefit from incentives like the federal solar tax credit.
  7. Consider the Company’s Track Record: Look for solar companies with owners who understand that when they sell you a solar system, you expect them to be there for the next 25 years to fix any issues that may arise.

Check our detailed guide on how to choose a good solar company.

  1. Suggested System Size: The kilowatts (kW) of power the solar installation can generate under full sun. It should match your energy needs.
  2. Cost Per Watt: This helps compare pricing across different system sizes and offers.
  3. Incentives: Details of any federal, state, or local incentives that apply to your installation.
  4. Energy Production Estimates: How much electricity the system is expected to produce annually.
  5. Projected Electricity Rate Increases: This affects the long-term savings you can expect.
  6. Solar Panel Brand and Model: Quality and efficiency of the panels can impact performance.
  7. Panel Degradation Rate: How much the panels’ energy output is expected to decrease over time.
  8. Financing: Options available for paying for the system, including loans and leases.
  9. Warranties: What guarantees the company provides for their products and installation.

*Make sure to get quotes from multiple installers to compare and choose the best option for your specific needs.

Yes, installing solar panels can indeed increase the value of your home in New York. Here’s how:

  • Increased Home Value: Homes with solar panels in New York can sell for an average of 3.6% more, or $10,981 more, than those without. In fact, the premium paid for homes with solar in New York is even higher, sitting above 5%.
  • Attractiveness to Buyers: Solar homes also tend to sell faster than those without solar. This is because solar panels are an attractive feature for potential homebuyers, as they offer the prospect of future energy savings.
  • Long-Term Energy Savings: The added value from solar panels directly correlates to your long-term energy savings. For example, a solar system that saves you $500 per year can increase home value by $10,000.
  • Solar as an Investment: Considering these factors, solar panels can be seen as an investment into your property asset. Not only do they provide immediate savings on your energy bills, but they also increase the value of your home should you decide to sell.

However, it’s important to note that the exact increase in home value can vary based on several factors, including the size and quality of the solar system, the amount of sunlight your home receives, and local electricity rates. It’s recommended to get a personalized quote from a solar installer for the most accurate information.

  1. On-Bill Recovery Loan: This loan option allows you to pay for your solar system through your utility bill.
  2. Smart Energy Loan: This is a traditional loan option offered by NYSERDA to help finance renewable and energy efficiency projects.
  3. Renewable Energy Tax Credit Bridge Loan: This loan helps bridge the gap between when you install your solar system and when you receive your tax credits.
  4. Low Upfront Payment: Some solar providers, like Sunrun, offer a low upfront payment option where you pay a small amount upfront and then pay monthly for your power.
  5. Prepaid: With this option, you prepay for your solar electricity in advance and never see another solar bill for 20 years.
  6. BrightBuy: Own your system. Purchase the system yourself with BrightBuy.
  7. BrightAdvantage: Own your system and finance it through a loan.

In addition to these financing options, New York residents may also be eligible for an Inflation Reduction Act tax credit of up to 30% of the solar project cost1. It’s recommended to consult with a solar installer to understand which financing option is best for your specific situation.


*Each option has its own set of benefits and drawbacks, and the best choice depends on individual financial situations and preferences.

Always choose a local solar company over a big national corporation. Small local companies that operate in a distinct local area are better than multi-state and national solar companies and large corporations. It’s the small local companies who get the best reviews on our website, and it’s the national multistate companies who get very poor reviews.

They can provide a personalized service with a more community-focused approach, and in-depth knowledge of local regulations, incentives, and climate conditions.

There are often quicker response times for service and maintenance. Solar is a local service business, it is extremely difficult to run a solar company and offer good customer service to many locations from a central office.

Is Solar Worth It? Use This Calculator to Decide

Top-Rated Installers

Out top picks among hundreds of reviewed companies across the country.

  • TriSMART Solar

    1611 Chisholm Trail, Suite 610, Round Rock, Texas, 78681

    Experience: Since 2013

    Areas Covered: TX

    SolarReviews: 3.99

    Local Expert, Experienced Installer, Trusted Solar Provider

    As solar experts, we find TriSMART Solar to be a reliable choice for solar installations in Texas. They have a solid track record, extensive service areas, comprehensive warranties, and a range of financing options. However, some customers have reported issues with post-installation support and system performance.
    As solar experts, we find TriSMART Solar to be a reliable choice for solar installations in Texas. They have a solid track record, extensive service areas, comprehensive warranties, and a range of financing options. However, some customers have reported issues with post-installation support and system performance.
  • Kosmos Solar

    1320 Post & Paddock Rd #500, Grand Prairie, TX 75050

    Experience: Since 2016

    Areas Covered: TX

    SolarReviews: 4.32

    Best Choice, Local Expert, Experienced Installer

    Based on the comprehensive review, Kosmos Solar is a reputable and experienced solar installation company in Texas. They offer high-quality services, backed by strong warranties and a team of certified professionals. While there are some reports of delays and cost discrepancies, the overall customer feedback is very positive. Therefore, as a solar expert, I would recommend Kosmos Solar for anyone looking to install solar panels in Texas. Their local expertise, flexible financing options, and commitment to quality make them a strong choice for solar installations.
    Based on the comprehensive review, Kosmos Solar is a reputable and experienced solar installation company in Texas. They offer high-quality services, backed by strong warranties and a team of certified professionals. While there are some reports of delays and cost discrepancies, the overall customer feedback is very positive. Therefore, as a solar expert, I would recommend Kosmos Solar for anyone looking to install solar panels in Texas. Their local expertise, flexible financing options, and commitment to quality make them a strong choice for solar installations.
  • Longhorn Solar

    1421 Wells Branch Pkwy Ste. 110, Pflugerville, TX 78660

    Experience: Since 2009

    Areas Covered: TX

    SolarReviews: 4.3

    Trusted Solar Provider

    As solar experts, we recommend Longhorn Solar for those considering solar installations in Texas. The company’s long-standing presence, extensive experience, high-quality service, and comprehensive warranties make them a reliable choice. However, potential customers should be aware of possible higher costs and ensure they get detailed quotes and timelines. Overall, Longhorn Solar’s commitment to customer satisfaction and their no-subcontractor policy ensures high-quality installations and reliable post-installation support.
    As solar experts, we recommend Longhorn Solar for those considering solar installations in Texas. The company’s long-standing presence, extensive experience, high-quality service, and comprehensive warranties make them a reliable choice. However, potential customers should be aware of possible higher costs and ensure they get detailed quotes and timelines. Overall, Longhorn Solar’s commitment to customer satisfaction and their no-subcontractor policy ensures high-quality installations and reliable post-installation support.
  • Native Solar

    3998 U.S. 290, Suite D, Dripping Springs, TX 78620

    Experience: Since 2007

    Areas Covered: TX

    SolarReviews: 4.04

    Trusted Solar Provider

    As solar experts, we recommend Native Solar for solar installations in Texas. They have a strong track record, a comprehensive range of services, and positive customer feedback. Their extensive experience and numerous certifications reflect their capability to handle both simple and complex solar projects efficiently.
    As solar experts, we recommend Native Solar for solar installations in Texas. They have a strong track record, a comprehensive range of services, and positive customer feedback. Their extensive experience and numerous certifications reflect their capability to handle both simple and complex solar projects efficiently.
  • Vivint Solar

    2510 Dean Lesher Dr Ste A Concord, CA 94520

    Experience: Since 2011

    Areas Covered: TX

    SolarReviews: 2.2

    Local Expert, Experienced Installer, NABCEP Certified

    Based on the research and analysis, I would recommend Vivint Solar for residential solar installations in California. Their extensive experience, quality of equipment, and flexible financing options make them a solid choice for homeowners looking to go solar. However, potential customers should be mindful of the occasional customer service delays and ensure clear communication throughout the process. Overall, Vivint Solar offers a reliable and well-supported solar solution for Californian residents.
    Based on the research and analysis, I would recommend Vivint Solar for residential solar installations in California. Their extensive experience, quality of equipment, and flexible financing options make them a solid choice for homeowners looking to go solar. However, potential customers should be mindful of the occasional customer service delays and ensure clear communication throughout the process. Overall, Vivint Solar offers a reliable and well-supported solar solution for Californian residents.
  • Horizon Solar Power

    27368 Via Industria Suite 101 Temecula, CA 92590

    Experience: Since 1998​

    Areas Covered: CA

    SolarReviews: 4

    Trusted Solar Provider

    While Horizon Solar Power has a strong history and offers comprehensive services, the current license issues and mixed customer reviews suggest potential risks. If considering them for your solar installation, it is advisable to ensure their legal status is resolved and to verify current customer experiences. For those in Southern California, they remain a viable option with careful consideration of recent operational challenges.
    While Horizon Solar Power has a strong history and offers comprehensive services, the current license issues and mixed customer reviews suggest potential risks. If considering them for your solar installation, it is advisable to ensure their legal status is resolved and to verify current customer experiences. For those in Southern California, they remain a viable option with careful consideration of recent operational challenges.
  • Sullivan Solar Power

    9528 Miramar Road #1203 San Diego, CA 92126

    Experience: Since 2004

    Areas Covered: CA

    SolarReviews: 4.2

    Local Expert, Experienced Installer, Trusted Solar Provider

    As solar experts, we would recommend Sullivan Solar Power for solar installations in Southern California due to their extensive experience, high customer satisfaction, and strong service portfolio. However, potential customers should be aware that the company is currently not taking new projects and should seek confirmation regarding availability. The pros of choosing Sullivan Solar Power include their quality installations, comprehensive warranties, and experienced team. On the downside, recent changes in their service availability and some customer service challenges might be a concern.
    As solar experts, we would recommend Sullivan Solar Power for solar installations in Southern California due to their extensive experience, high customer satisfaction, and strong service portfolio. However, potential customers should be aware that the company is currently not taking new projects and should seek confirmation regarding availability. The pros of choosing Sullivan Solar Power include their quality installations, comprehensive warranties, and experienced team. On the downside, recent changes in their service availability and some customer service challenges might be a concern.
  • Sunworks

    15 Pepsi Way, Durham, CA 95938

    Experience: Since 1983

    Areas Covered: A 25-year comprehensive warranty for their solar panels and a 10-year warranty for their inverters

    SolarReviews: 2.8

    Experienced Installer

    As solar experts, we would cautiously recommend Sunworks for solar installations in California. They have a long history and a broad range of services, with generally positive feedback on their professionalism and installation quality. However, potential customers should be aware of the reported issues with follow-up service and communication. It is advisable to thoroughly discuss these concerns with Sunworks before committing to ensure a clear understanding of the post-installation support they will provide. Overall, Sunworks is a competent choice, but customers should ensure all service and warranty terms are clearly defined.
    As solar experts, we would cautiously recommend Sunworks for solar installations in California. They have a long history and a broad range of services, with generally positive feedback on their professionalism and installation quality. However, potential customers should be aware of the reported issues with follow-up service and communication. It is advisable to thoroughly discuss these concerns with Sunworks before committing to ensure a clear understanding of the post-installation support they will provide. Overall, Sunworks is a competent choice, but customers should ensure all service and warranty terms are clearly defined.

Solar Companies by State

  • Wyoming

    1 installer

  • West Virginia

    2 installers

  • Washington DC

    5 installers

  • Virginia

    8 installers

  • Vermont

    1 installer

  • Utah

    5 installers

  • Texas

    28 installers

  • Tennessee

    1 installer

  • South Carolina

    2 installers

  • Rhode Island

    3 installers

  • Puerto Rico

    1 installer

  • Pennsylvania

    5 installers

  • Oregon

    3 installers

  • Oklahoma

    6 installers

  • Ohio

    6 installers

  • North Carolina

    9 installers

  • New York

    12 installers

  • New Mexico

    5 installers

  • New Jersey

    5 installers

  • New Hampshire

    4 installers

  • Nevada

    9 installers

  • Montana

    1 installer

  • Missouri

    3 installers

  • Mississippi

    1 installer

  • Minnesota

    1 installer

  • Michigan

    2 installers

  • Massachusetts

    5 installers

  • Maryland

    7 installers

  • Maine

    2 installers

  • Louisiana

    2 installers

  • Kentucky

    2 installers

  • Kansas

    4 installers

  • Iowa

    4 installers

  • Indiana

    1 installer

  • Illinois

    5 installers

  • Idaho

    6 installers

  • Georgia

    3 installers

  • Florida

    11 installers

  • Delaware

    4 installers

  • Connecticut

    5 installers

  • Colorado

    9 installers

  • California

    22 installers

  • Arkansas

    6 installers

  • Arizona

    15 installers

  • Alabama

    1 installer

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