• EnLight Energy

    600 Congress Ave, Austin, Texas 78701

    Experience: Since 2016

    Areas Covered: AZ, AR, CA, CT, FL, GA, ID, IL, IN, KS, KY, LA, MD, MA, MI, MS, MO, NV, NH, NJ, NM, NY, NC, OH, ОК, PA, SC, TX, UT, VA, WV

    SolarReviews: 3.36

    Local Expert, Experienced Installer, Trusted Solar Provider

    EnLight Energy is a bright spot in the solar industry. Despite some areas for improvement, their commitment to renewable energy, customer satisfaction, and high-quality solar installation make them a strong choice for homeowners looking to switch to solar energy. With continued dedication to their mission and improvements in customer service, EnLight Energy has the potential to shine even brighter in the future.
    EnLight Energy is a bright spot in the solar industry. Despite some areas for improvement, their commitment to renewable energy, customer satisfaction, and high-quality solar installation make them a strong choice for homeowners looking to switch to solar energy. With continued dedication to their mission and improvements in customer service, EnLight Energy has the potential to shine even brighter in the future.


Solar Energy Consultant

We rate solar installers from 1 to 5 stars to help you pick the best one. High stars mean they're really good at what they do and treat their customers right. Low stars? Not so much. We give credit to companies that have been around for a while, know what they are doing, have a high standard of workmanship and equipment, don’t hire subcontractors to keep the bar of solar installation quality high and have good local reviews from real customers (yes, we check if the reviews are actually real or fake). Companies we choose as top-rated know and can help with federal and local solar incentives to help you save, have good financing plans, and guarantee their work. We're here to point you to the solar companies that truly rock, making going solar easy and worthwhile for you.

Read how we rate installers

See how much it will  cost to install solar panels for your home.

How Do We Rate Solar Companies?

TL;DR: We rate solar installers from 1 to 5 stars to help you pick the best one. High stars mean they’re really good at what they do and treat their customers right. Low stars? Not so much. We give credit to companies that have been around for a while, know what they are doing, have a high standard of workmanship and equipment, don’t hire subcontractors to keep the bar of solar installation quality high and have good local reviews from real customers (yes, we check if the reviews are actually real or fake). Companies we choose as top-rated know and can help with federal and local solar incentives to help you save, have good financing plans, and guarantee their work. We’re here to point you to the solar companies that truly rock, making going solar easy and worthwhile for you.

Check our detailed review process here.

Is It Worth Going Solar in Indiana?

Switching to solar energy in Indiana offers numerous benefits, both financial and environmental. Despite some challenges, such as fewer sunny days and the recent changes in net metering policies, the advantages often outweigh the drawbacks.

Financial Benefits

  1. Energy Savings: Solar panels can significantly reduce or even eliminate your electricity bills. The average Indiana homeowner can save approximately $25,365 over the lifespan of their solar panel system. This is due to the high energy usage in the state, which makes the payback period for solar installations relatively short.
  2. Federal Tax Credit: The federal Residential Clean Energy Credit reduces the cost of solar installations by 30%. This incentive applies to the entire system, including equipment, labor, and permitting costs.
  3. Reduced Payback Period: The average payback period for solar panels in Indiana is about 13 years, which is in line with the national average. After this period, homeowners can enjoy free electricity for the remaining lifespan of their solar panels, which can be 25 years or more.
  4. Increased Home Value: Installing solar panels can increase the market value of your home. Homes with solar energy systems often sell faster and at a premium compared to those without.
  5. Energy Independence: Solar energy reduces dependence on utility companies, providing a hedge against rising electricity prices. This can be particularly valuable in a state like Indiana, where energy prices have increased significantly over the past decade.

Environmental Benefits

  1. Reduction in Carbon Footprint: Solar energy is a clean and renewable source of power that reduces greenhouse gas emissions. By switching to solar, homeowners can significantly lower their carbon footprint, contributing to a healthier environment.
  2. Local Environmental Impact: Solar installations do not produce toxic pollutants or heat-trapping gases. Additionally, they can be paired with pollinator-friendly habitats to improve soil and water quality, benefiting local agriculture and ecosystems.

Challenges and Considerations

  1. Initial Costs: The upfront cost of installing solar panels can be high. However, various financing options, federal tax credits, and potential state incentives can mitigate this expense.
  2. Net Metering Changes: Indiana’s net metering policy has been replaced with the Excess Distributed Generation (EDG) policy, which offers lower compensation for excess energy sent back to the grid. This makes it important for homeowners to consider energy storage solutions like solar batteries to maximize their savings.
  3. Sunlight Availability: Indiana receives fewer sunny days compared to the national average, which can affect the efficiency of solar panels. However, with proper planning and installation, solar energy can still be a viable and beneficial investment.

How much does solar save homeowners in Indiana?

Indiana residents pay an average of $186 per month for electricity, which totals about $2,232 annually. This rate is slightly higher than the national average and is calculated based on an average consumption of 1,181 kWh per month at a rate of 16¢ per kWh.

Solar Panel Installation Costs

The cost of installing a solar panel system in Indiana varies based on the system size. For a typical 5 kW system, the average cost is approximately $16,881 before any incentives. Larger systems, such as a 10.4 kW system needed to offset 100% of the average household’s electricity usage, can cost around $36,000 before incentives.

Energy Savings: By installing a solar panel system, homeowners can significantly reduce or even eliminate their electricity bills. For example, a 10.4 kW system can offset 100% of an average household’s annual electricity consumption, leading to substantial savings. Assuming a 3.1% annual increase in electricity prices, the savings can be as follows:

  • First Year: $2,200
  • Five Years: $11,900
  • Ten Years: $25,700
  • Twenty Years: $60,600

Increased Home Value: Homes with solar installations often see an increase in property value, making it a financially sound investment.

What is the average cost of going solar in Indiana?

The cost of installing solar panels in Indiana varies depending on the system size. Below is a detailed table showing the average cost per watt and the average system cost after applying the 30% federal tax credit for different system sizes:

System Size (kW) Avg Cost per Watt Avg System Cost (After 30% Tax Credit)
4 kW $2.52 $7,055
5 kW $2.42 $8,467
6 kW $2.31 $9,704
7 kW $2.29 $11,198
8 kW $2.30 $12,908
9 kW $2.24 $14,135
10 kW $2.22 $15,529
  • Average Cost per Watt: The average cost per watt for solar panel installations in Indiana is approximately $2.33.
  • Average System Cost: The average cost of a solar system in Indiana, after applying the 30% federal tax credit, is around $11,285.14.

For a typical 6 kW system:

  • Cost Before Tax Credit: $13,863
  • Cost After 30% Tax Credit: $9,704

Net Metering Policies

Indiana’s net metering policy has been replaced by the Excess Distributed Generation (EDG) policy. Under the EDG policy, excess energy that is sent back to the grid is compensated at a lower rate than the retail rate. This change in policy can affect the overall savings potential for homeowners, making it beneficial to consider energy storage solutions like solar batteries to maximize savings.

Indiana Solar Incentives and Rebate Programs

Indiana offers several incentives and rebate programs to encourage homeowners to install solar panels. These incentives can significantly reduce the upfront costs and improve the financial viability of solar energy systems. Below is a detailed overview of the available federal, state, and local incentives.

Federal Solar Incentives

Federal Investment Tax Credit (ITC)

The ITC, also known as the Residential Clean Energy Credit, allows homeowners to claim 30% of the total cost of their solar energy system as a tax credit. Available to all homeowners who install solar systems before the end of 2032. For example, if a solar energy system costs $20,000, the federal tax credit would be $6,000, reducing the net cost to $14,000.

Statewide Solar Programs

Property Tax Exemption

Indiana offers a Renewable Energy Property Tax Exemption, which exempts homeowners from paying property taxes on the added value that solar panels bring to their home.

If a solar installation increases a home’s value by $20,000, homeowners will not pay property taxes on that additional value.

Sales and Use Tax Exemption

  • Solar panels, inverters, and racking equipment are exempt from Indiana’s 7% sales tax.
  • Eligibility: This exemption applies to the purchase of eligible solar equipment.
  • Impact: This can save homeowners a significant amount on the initial purchase of their solar system.

Local Incentives

Net Metering and Excess Distributed Generation (EDG) Policy

  • Indiana has transitioned from traditional net metering to the EDG policy. Under EDG, excess energy sent back to the grid is compensated at a lower rate than the retail rate.
  • Impact: Homeowners can still earn credits for surplus energy, but the compensation is less favorable than under net metering. This makes energy storage solutions like solar batteries more attractive to maximize savings.

NIPSCO Feed-in Tariff Program

  • Northern Indiana Public Service Company (NIPSCO) offers a program where homeowners can sell excess electricity back to the grid at a rate of $0.15 per kWh.
  • Eligibility: Available to NIPSCO customers with solar systems up to 10 kW in size.
  • Impact: This program provides a higher rate for excess electricity compared to the standard EDG policy, enhancing the financial benefits of solar installations.

Community and Additional Programs

Indiana Solar for All Program

  • A community solar initiative aimed at increasing access to solar energy for low-income households. Participants can subscribe to a shared community solar project and receive credits on their electricity bills.
  • Impact: This program helps reduce energy costs and promotes renewable energy equity.

Community Conservation Challenge Program

  • Administered by the Indiana Office of Energy Development, this program offers grants of up to $80,000 for community energy conservation projects, including solar installations.
  • Eligibility: Commercial buildings can apply for these grants.
  • Impact: Encourages larger-scale solar projects and community involvement in renewable energy.

Frequently Asked Questions

  1. Look for installers with experience in Indiana and good reputations. Check reviews and ask for references.
  2. Make sure they are licensed and insured in Indiana. Verify their credentials.
  3. Get quotes from multiple installers to compare costs, equipment, warranties, and financing options. Don’t just go with the cheapest.
  4. Ask about their experience with the permitting and interconnection process in your area, which can be complex.
  5. Inquire about their workmanship warranties in addition to equipment warranties. A good installer will stand behind their work.

Check our detailed guide on how to choose a good solar company.

  1. Quotes should clearly itemize costs for equipment, labor, permitting, and interconnection. Be wary of quotes that lack detail.
  2. Compare quotes based on cost per watt, not just total cost, to account for system size differences.
  3. Ensure the equipment specified is high-quality and comes with solid warranties, especially on inverters and panels.
  4. The quote should factor in all available incentives and credits, including the 30% federal tax credit, to give an accurate net cost.
  5. Ask for a detailed breakdown of estimated year-by-year savings based on your specific roof and energy usage.

*Make sure to get quotes from multiple installers to compare and choose the best option for your specific needs.

On average, homes with solar panels sell for approximately 4.1% more than comparable homes without solar installations. This percentage can vary based on location and other factors.

According to the U.S. Department of Energy’s Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, homes with solar panels can see an increase of about $5,911 for each kilowatt (kW) of solar power installed. For example:

  • A 4 kW system could add approximately $23,644 to the home’s value.
  • A 6 kW system could add approximately $35,466 to the home’s value.
  • A 10 kW system could add approximately $59,110 to the home’s value.

Factors Influencing Value Addition

  1. The Appraisal Journal notes that home value increases by $20 for every $1 reduction in annual utility bills due to solar energy. For instance, if your solar system saves you $400 annually, your home value could increase by $8,000
  2. Solar panels add value to your home primarily if you own the system outright. Leased systems or those under Power Purchase Agreements (PPAs) do not add as much value and can complicate the sale process.
  3. The impact of solar panels on home value can vary by region. Areas with higher electricity costs and more solar incentives tend to see a greater increase in home value.
  4. Larger and more efficient solar systems contribute more to home value. Each additional watt of solar capacity can add about $4 to the home’s value.

Additional Benefits

  • Homes with solar panels tend to sell faster compared to those without. Some studies show that solar homes sell up to 20% faster.
  • A significant percentage of home buyers prioritize energy efficiency. According to Zillow, 67% of potential buyers consider energy efficiency a very important feature, and homes with solar panels are more appealing to this demographic.

When considering going solar in Indiana, homeowners have several financing options available, each with its own set of advantages and disadvantages. Here’s a detailed overview of the main financing methods: cash purchases, solar loans, solar leases, and Power Purchase Agreements (PPAs).

Cash Purchase


  • By purchasing a solar system outright, you avoid paying interest or lease fees, resulting in the highest long-term savings.
  • You can claim the 30% federal solar tax credit, which significantly reduces the upfront cost.
  • Owning the solar system can increase your home’s market value.
  • Once the system is paid for, you enjoy free electricity for the lifespan of the system (typically 25-30 years).


  • The initial investment can be substantial, which might not be feasible for all homeowners.
  • The money spent on the system could potentially be used for other investments.

Solar Loans


  • Loans allow you to spread the cost of the solar system over several years, making it more affordable.
  • You still own the system, making you eligible for tax credits and increased home value.
  • Loan terms can vary, allowing you to choose a repayment plan that fits your budget.


  • You will need to pay interest on the loan, which increases the total cost over time.
  • Approval for a loan depends on your credit score and financial history.

Solar Leases


  • Leases typically require little to no initial payment.
  • The leasing company is responsible for system maintenance and repairs.
  • Fixed monthly lease payments make budgeting easier.


  • You do not own the system, so you cannot claim tax credits or increase your home’s value.
  • Lease agreements often include annual payment increases.
  • Selling your home can be more complex if the new owner does not want to assume the lease.

Power Purchase Agreements (PPAs)


  • Similar to leases, PPAs require little to no initial investment.
  • You pay a fixed rate for the electricity generated by the system, which can be lower than utility rates.
  • The PPA provider handles system maintenance and repairs.


  • You do not own the system, so you miss out on tax credits and home value increases.
  • Monthly payments fluctuate based on the system’s electricity production.
  • PPAs often include annual rate increases.
Financing Option Upfront Cost Ownership Tax Incentives Maintenance Monthly Payments Long-term Savings
Cash Purchase High Yes Yes Owner None Highest
Solar Loan Low Yes Yes Owner Fixed High
Solar Lease None No No Included Fixed Moderate
PPA None No No Included Variable Moderate

Choosing the right solar financing option depends on your financial situation and long-term goals. If you can afford the upfront cost, a cash purchase offers the highest savings and benefits. Solar loans provide a good balance of affordability and ownership benefits. For those who prefer no initial investment, solar leases and PPAs offer viable alternatives, though they come with fewer financial benefits compared to owning the system outright.

Customer Satisfaction

Local solar companies often receive better reviews because they prioritize customer satisfaction. Their business model depends on building strong relationships with clients and maintaining a good reputation in the community. This focus on customer service leads to more positive experiences and higher satisfaction rates.

Quality of Workmanship

Local installers are more likely to use higher-quality materials and provide meticulous installations. Their commitment to quality and attention to detail results in fewer issues and higher overall system performance, which translates to better reviews from satisfied customers.

Direct Accountability

When working with a local solar company, customers often deal directly with the owner or a small, dedicated team. This direct accountability ensures that any problems are addressed quickly and effectively, leading to better customer experiences and more favorable reviews.

Community Engagement

Local solar companies are deeply invested in their communities and often participate in local events and initiatives. This engagement fosters a sense of trust and loyalty among customers, who are more likely to leave positive reviews for companies that contribute to their community’s well-being.

Is Solar Worth It? Use This Calculator to Decide

Top-Rated Installers

Out top picks among hundreds of reviewed companies across the country.

  • Brower Mechanical, Inc.

    4060 Alvis Ct, Rocklin, CA 95677

    Experience: Since 1979

    Areas Covered: California

    SolarReviews: Not rated

    Best Choice, Local Expert, Experienced Installer, Trusted Solar Provider

    Overall, I would recommend considering Brower Mechanical for residential and commercial HVAC, solar, and home performance needs in the Sacramento area. Their long history, certifications, and focus on energy efficiency make them a solid choice for projects aimed at improving comfort and reducing energy costs.
    Overall, I would recommend considering Brower Mechanical for residential and commercial HVAC, solar, and home performance needs in the Sacramento area. Their long history, certifications, and focus on energy efficiency make them a solid choice for projects aimed at improving comfort and reducing energy costs.
  • Sunergy Solar

    7625 Little Rd Suite 200a, New Port Richey, FL 34654

    Experience: Since 2005

    Areas Covered: Florida, Texas, Arkansas

    SolarReviews: Not rated

    Local Expert, Experienced Installer, Trusted Solar Provider

    Sunergy Solar appears to be an established residential solar and energy efficiency provider in Florida, with plans to expand to other states. The company's long history and high revenue suggest extensive experience in the industry.
    Sunergy Solar appears to be an established residential solar and energy efficiency provider in Florida, with plans to expand to other states. The company's long history and high revenue suggest extensive experience in the industry.
  • Green Team Long Island

    332 Dante Ct Ste B, Holbrook, NY 11741

    Experience: Since 2018

    Areas Covered: New York

    SolarReviews: Not rated

    Local Expert, Experienced Installer, Trusted Solar Provider

    Castaways Energy LLC appears to be a promising choice for solar installations in Florida, combining quality service, reputable partnerships, and a strong commitment to sustainable energy solutions. Their rapid growth and positive customer feedback are encouraging signs of their competence and reliability in the solar industry.
    Castaways Energy LLC appears to be a promising choice for solar installations in Florida, combining quality service, reputable partnerships, and a strong commitment to sustainable energy solutions. Their rapid growth and positive customer feedback are encouraging signs of their competence and reliability in the solar industry.
  • Castaways Energy LLC

    1629 Prime Ct # 600, Orlando, FL 32809

    Experience: Since 2019

    Areas Covered: Florida

    SolarReviews: Not rated

    Best Choice, Local Expert, Experienced Installer, Trusted Solar Provider

    Overall, Castaways Energy LLC appears to be a promising choice for solar installations in Florida, combining quality service, reputable partnerships, and a strong commitment to sustainable energy solutions. Their rapid growth and positive customer feedback are encouraging signs of their competence and reliability in the solar industry.
    Overall, Castaways Energy LLC appears to be a promising choice for solar installations in Florida, combining quality service, reputable partnerships, and a strong commitment to sustainable energy solutions. Their rapid growth and positive customer feedback are encouraging signs of their competence and reliability in the solar industry.
  • SunLife Solar

    3 Germay Dr Unit 4-1478, Wilmington, DE 19804

    Experience: Founded in 2015

    Areas Covered: New York, New Jersey, Connecticut, and potentially other states

    SolarReviews: Not rated

    Local Expert, Experienced Installer, NABCEP Certified, Trusted Solar Provider

    While SunLife Solar appears to be a promising option, especially for those in the NY, NJ, and CT areas, potential customers should conduct due diligence before committing. The company's partnership with SunPower and positive customer feedback are encouraging signs, but more information about their track record and certifications would provide additional reassurance.
    While SunLife Solar appears to be a promising option, especially for those in the NY, NJ, and CT areas, potential customers should conduct due diligence before committing. The company's partnership with SunPower and positive customer feedback are encouraging signs, but more information about their track record and certifications would provide additional reassurance.
  • Apricot Solar

    900 S 4th St, Las Vegas, NV 89101

    Experience: Since 2015

    Areas Covered: California, Nevada, Arizona, and several other states across the US

    SolarReviews: Not rated

    Best Choice, Local Expert, Experienced Installer, Trusted Solar Provider

    As a solar expert, I would approach recommending Apricot Solar with caution. While the company offers attractive features like zero upfront costs and long-term warranties, there are several concerning factors:
    As a solar expert, I would approach recommending Apricot Solar with caution. While the company offers attractive features like zero upfront costs and long-term warranties, there are several concerning factors:
  • Magic Valley Electric LLC

    395 Railway St Suite A, Jerome, ID 83338

    Experience: Since 2013

    Areas Covered: Idaho, Utah, Arizona, Nevada, and Montana

    SolarReviews: Not rated

    Best Choice, Local Expert, Experienced Installer

    As a solar expert, I would highly recommend Magic Valley Electric LLC for electrical and solar installation services in their service areas. The company has demonstrated significant growth and expertise in the electrical industry over the past decade. Their high customer rating (4.8/5) and positive reviews suggest excellent service quality and customer satisfaction.
    As a solar expert, I would highly recommend Magic Valley Electric LLC for electrical and solar installation services in their service areas. The company has demonstrated significant growth and expertise in the electrical industry over the past decade. Their high customer rating (4.8/5) and positive reviews suggest excellent service quality and customer satisfaction.
  • Kayo Energy

    Parking lot, 4050 E Cotton Center Blvd, Phoenix, AZ 85040

    Experience: Since 2017

    Areas Covered: 22 states across the U.S

    SolarReviews: Not rated

    Experienced Installer

    As a solar expert, I would cautiously recommend Kayo Energy as a solar installer, but with some reservations. The company has shown impressive growth and has a strong mission focused on both customer savings and social impact. Their partnership with reputable equipment manufacturers and flexible financing options are positive aspects.
    As a solar expert, I would cautiously recommend Kayo Energy as a solar installer, but with some reservations. The company has shown impressive growth and has a strong mission focused on both customer savings and social impact. Their partnership with reputable equipment manufacturers and flexible financing options are positive aspects.

Solar Companies by State

  • Wyoming

    1 installer

  • West Virginia

    2 installers

  • Washington DC

    5 installers

  • Virginia

    8 installers

  • Vermont

    1 installer

  • Utah

    5 installers

  • Texas

    28 installers

  • Tennessee

    1 installer

  • South Carolina

    2 installers

  • Rhode Island

    3 installers

  • Puerto Rico

    1 installer

  • Pennsylvania

    5 installers

  • Oregon

    3 installers

  • Oklahoma

    6 installers

  • Ohio

    6 installers

  • North Carolina

    9 installers

  • New York

    12 installers

  • New Mexico

    5 installers

  • New Jersey

    5 installers

  • New Hampshire

    4 installers

  • Nevada

    9 installers

  • Montana

    1 installer

  • Missouri

    3 installers

  • Mississippi

    1 installer

  • Minnesota

    1 installer

  • Michigan

    2 installers

  • Massachusetts

    5 installers

  • Maryland

    7 installers

  • Maine

    2 installers

  • Louisiana

    2 installers

  • Kentucky

    2 installers

  • Kansas

    4 installers

  • Iowa

    4 installers

  • Indiana

    1 installer

  • Illinois

    5 installers

  • Idaho

    6 installers

  • Georgia

    3 installers

  • Florida

    11 installers

  • Delaware

    4 installers

  • Connecticut

    5 installers

  • Colorado

    9 installers

  • California

    22 installers

  • Arkansas

    6 installers

  • Arizona

    15 installers

  • Alabama

    1 installer

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