• Intermountain Wind and Solar

    1041 N 950 W Suite 500, Centerville, UT 84014

    Experience: Since 2008

    Areas Covered: UT, NV, WY, ID, OR

    SolarReviews: 4.57

    Local Expert, Experienced Installer, NABCEP Certified

    Based on our assessment and customer reviews, we would recommend IWS to those living in their service areas. Their commitment to quality, transparency, and customer satisfaction make them a solid choice for anyone considering solar energy. However, as with any major decision, we advise potential customers to do their own research and consider multiple options before making a decision.
    Based on our assessment and customer reviews, we would recommend IWS to those living in their service areas. Their commitment to quality, transparency, and customer satisfaction make them a solid choice for anyone considering solar energy. However, as with any major decision, we advise potential customers to do their own research and consider multiple options before making a decision.


Solar Energy Consultant

We rate solar installers from 1 to 5 stars to help you pick the best one. High stars mean they're really good at what they do and treat their customers right. Low stars? Not so much. We give credit to companies that have been around for a while, know what they are doing, have a high standard of workmanship and equipment, don’t hire subcontractors to keep the bar of solar installation quality high and have good local reviews from real customers (yes, we check if the reviews are actually real or fake). Companies we choose as top-rated know and can help with federal and local solar incentives to help you save, have good financing plans, and guarantee their work. We're here to point you to the solar companies that truly rock, making going solar easy and worthwhile for you.

Read how we rate installers

See how much it will  cost to install solar panels for your home.

How Do We Rate Solar Companies?

TL;DR: We rate solar installers from 1 to 5 stars to help you pick the best one. High stars mean they’re really good at what they do and treat their customers right. Low stars? Not so much. We give credit to companies that have been around for a while, know what they are doing, have a high standard of workmanship and equipment, don’t hire subcontractors to keep the bar of solar installation quality high and have good local reviews from real customers (yes, we check if the reviews are actually real or fake). Companies we choose as top-rated know and can help with federal and local solar incentives to help you save, have good financing plans, and guarantee their work. We’re here to point you to the solar companies that truly rock, making going solar easy and worthwhile for you.

Check our detailed review process here.

Quick Recap

  1. Is It Worth Going Solar in Wyoming? Yes, it is worth going solar in Wyoming. Most solar customers in the state see electric bill savings from their panels that pay off the systems in just 14 years and then save an additional $18,070, on average.
  2. How Much Does Solar Save Homeowners in Wyoming? Solar saves homeowners in Wyoming an average of $18,070 over the lifetime of the system.
  3. What is the Average Cost of Going Solar in Wyoming? The average cost of going solar in Wyoming is $2.57 per watt2, with the cost of an average system being $20,727.
  4. Wyoming Solar Incentives Wyoming doesn’t have any state-wide solar incentives, but homeowners can still save with the Federal Tax Credit and net metering.
  5. Net Metering Policies in Wyoming Net Metering is a billing mechanism that credits solar energy system owners for electricity they add to the grid, reducing their electricity bills.
  6. Will Solar Increase Your Home Value in Wyoming? Yes, solar panels increase your property value by an average of 4.1%, which is a typical increase of $13,590 for the average home value in Wyoming.
  7. Solar Financing Options Available in Wyoming Wyoming offers special programs and financial help to make it easier for homes and businesses to get solar energy systems.
  8. Choosing a Local or National Solar Installer in Wyoming Both local and national solar installers have their advantages. Local installers often have strong knowledge of local incentives and regulations, while national installers might have more resources. It’s important to consider factors such as reviews, cost, and the services offered by the installer.

Is It Worth Going Solar in Wyoming?

Installing solar panels in Wyoming can indeed be beneficial, both financially and environmentally. Here are some key points to consider:

  1. Solar Savings: By harnessing solar energy, Wyoming residents can enjoy substantial savings on their monthly energy bills, typically ranging from 40% to 60%.
  2. Environmental Impact: Solar energy is clean and renewable, reducing reliance on fossil fuels and minimizing harmful emissions.
  3. Increased Property Value: Installing solar panels can enhance the value of your Wyoming property.
  4. Federal Solar Investment Tax Credit (ITC): This is a federal incentive that allows you to apply 30% of your entire system price to your income tax burden for the tax year your system is commissioned. For example, for a 6 kW system costing $13,389, the cost with the 30% Federal Solar Tax Credit applied would be $9,372.
  5. Electricity credit from a local utility or energy provider: This is a one-to-one credit.

Please note that while Wyoming does not have any noteworthy state-mandated solar incentives, nor does it have a renewable portfolio standard (RPS) goal to boost clean energy sources, the average cost of solar panels in Wyoming is significantly cheaper than the national average.

Before making a decision, it’s recommended to get a detailed quote from a trusted solar installer to understand the exact savings and payback period based on your specific situation. Also, keep in mind that the incentives and credits can change, so it’s important to check the latest information.

How much does solar save homeowners in Wyoming?

Average Cost of Electricity in Wyoming: The average residential electricity rate in Wyoming is 9.85¢/kWh, which ranks 43rd in the U.S. The average monthly residential electricity bill in Wyoming is $85, which is 20.56% less than the national average monthly bill of $107.

Cost of Solar Panels: The typical cost of solar panels in Wyoming is $3.29 per watt. For an average Wyoming resident who needs a 9-kilowatt solar energy system to offset their energy costs, the cost would be $29,610 on average, or $20,727 after claiming the 30% federal solar tax credit.

Savings from Solar Panels: Wyoming homeowners with solar panels see an average net savings of $14,959 over 25 years. This means that over the lifetime of your solar panels, you could save nearly $15,000 on your electricity bills.

You can significantly reduce or even eliminate your electricity bills, and with the net metering policy, you can get credited for the excess power your solar panels produce. However, it’s important to consider the initial investment required for the installation of the solar panels. It’s recommended to get a detailed quote from a trusted solar installer to understand the exact savings and payback period based on your specific situation.

What is the average cost of going solar in Wyoming?

The average cost of installing solar panels in Wyoming is $3.29 per watt. According to market research, the average Wyoming resident needs a 9-kilowatt solar energy system to offset their energy costs1. This would cost $29,610 on average, or $20,727 after claiming the 30% federal solar tax credit.

*Keep in mind that these are average figures and the actual cost can vary depending on several factors such as the specific solar panels you choose, the installation company, and the complexity of your roof.

Wyoming Solar Incentives

Here’s a detailed overview of the incentives and rebate programs available to homeowners in Wyoming who install solar panels:

Federal Solar Incentives:

  • Federal Solar Investment Tax Credit (ITC): This is a federal incentive that allows you to apply 30% of your entire system price to your income tax burden for the tax year your system is commissioned12. For example, for a 6 kW system costing $13,389, the cost with the 30% Federal Solar Tax Credit applied would be $9,372.

Statewide Solar Programs in Wyoming:

  • Rural Energy for America Program (REAP): This is another incentive that you might be eligible for.
  • Unfortunately, Wyoming does not have any noteworthy state-mandated solar incentives, nor does it have a renewable portfolio standard (RPS) goal to boost clean energy sources4.

Local Incentives in Wyoming:

  • Electricity credit from a local utility or energy provider: This is a one-to-one credit.

Please note that while Wyoming does not have any noteworthy state-mandated solar incentives, nor does it have a renewable portfolio standard (RPS) goal to boost clean energy sources4, the average cost of solar panels in Wyoming is significantly cheaper than the national average.

Please note that these incentives and programs are subject to change, and it’s always a good idea to check with local solar installers or the relevant government agencies for the most up-to-date information.

Net Metering Policies in Wyoming

Net metering is a policy that allows owners of small, on-site renewable energy systems (like homes, schools, and businesses) to get credit for the extra power they supply to the electricity grid. Here’s how it works and how you can benefit from it in Wyoming:

How It Works: Net metering involves installing a special electric meter or reprogramming an existing meter so that electrical flow can be measured in both directions. When your production of electricity is less than your use, additional electricity is supplied by the utility company through the electrical grid. Alternatively, when you generate more electricity than you are using, excess electricity is transferred to the electrical grid and is used by other customers. At the end of the billing period, your electrical production is subtracted from your total electrical consumption. You are billed only for the net amount of electricity consumed. In some situations, you may produce more electricity than you use, in which case the excess amount may be carried over to the next billing period or transferred to the utility company at a price determined in the net metering contract.


  • Use 100% Of Your Solar Energy Production: Net metering allows you to use and sell up to 100% of your renewable electricity to a utility company.
  • Save Money On Your Electricity Bill: As a net metering customer, you still pay monthly electric bills, including a monthly hook-up fee. But the net metering policy can significantly lower your monthly utility bills.
  • No Need For External Battery Storage: With net metering, there’s no need for external battery storage.
  • Increase The Value Of Your Property: Installing a solar system can increase the value of your property.
  • Contribute To Reduced CO2 Emission: By using solar energy, you contribute to reduced CO2 emissions.

Please note that Wyoming requires investor-owned utilities and electric cooperatives to offer net metering. Whether you get the full retail rate or the utility’s “avoided cost” (essentially the wholesale) rate varies by company. If you run a surplus for the entire year, the utility will purchase your remaining surplus annually at the avoided-cost rate. That’s a really solid net metering program!

Are There Any Community Solar Programs in Wyoming?

Yes, there are a few solar community programs available in Wyoming. Here’s an overview:

  1. SunShare: SunShare is a full-service, end-to-end developer, owner, and operator of community solar gardens. Their mission is to give everyone access to renewable energy solutions.
  2. Community Solar Hub: This organization assists in bringing community solar to new areas.
  3. American Solar Energy Society (ASES): ASES is a non-profit that advocates for sustainable living and 100% renewable energy.
  4. Solar for All Program: This is a $7 billion investment to enable low-income and disadvantaged communities to deploy and benefit from distributed solar energy. Bonneville Environmental Foundation will serve energy communities in the state of Wyoming with its Solar for All funds.
  5. State and Community Energy Programs: Since 2015, Wyoming has received $11.8 million from the Weatherization Assistance Program (WAP) and $3.2 million from the State Energy Program (SEP), resulting in benefits like homes weatherized, jobs created or retained, building space retrofitted, and people connected about energy efficiency installations.

To take advantage of these programs, you can follow these steps:

  1. Research: Understand the details of each program and determine which one is the best fit for your needs.
  2. Contact the Program: Reach out to the program directly or visit their website for more information on how to apply.
  3. Apply: Follow the application process for the program. This may involve filling out an application form and providing necessary documentation.
  4. Installation: Once approved, you can proceed with the installation of your solar panels.
  5. Enjoy the Benefits: After installation, you can start enjoying the benefits of solar energy, including lower electricity bills and a reduced carbon footprint.

Remember, it’s always a good idea to consult with a local solar installation company or the relevant government agencies for the most up-to-date information.

Frequently Asked Questions

Choosing the best solar installer in Wyoming involves considering several factors. Here are some tips to help you make an informed decision:

Selecting a solar installer is a crucial step in the process of going solar. Here are some tips to help you choose the right one:

  1. Check for Licenses and Certifications: Ensure that the installer is licensed and certified to install solar panels in your area. Certifications from organizations like the North American Board of Certified Energy Practitioners (NABCEP) can indicate that the installer has received specialized training.
  2. Read Reviews: Look at online reviews and ratings of the solar installer. This can give you an idea of the quality of their work and their customer service. You can also ask the installer for references from previous customers.
  3. Compare Quotes: Get quotes from multiple installers to ensure you’re getting a competitive price. Be sure to understand what’s included in the quote, such as equipment costs, installation labor, permits, and warranties.
  4. Track Record: Consider the installer’s experience and track record in your area. An installer with a long history of successful installations is likely to be reliable and knowledgeable.
  5. Local Regulations and Incentives: Ask the installer about their experience with local regulations and incentives. They should be familiar with the permitting process in your area and be able to help you take advantage of local, state, and federal solar incentives.
  6. Warranties: Check what kind of warranties the installer offers. A good solar installer will offer warranties for the panels, inverters, and their workmanship.
  7. Post-Installation Services: Find out if the installer offers post-installation services such as system monitoring, maintenance, and repair.

*Remember to do your due diligence and choose an installer that aligns with your specific requirements and values.

Check our detailed guide on how to choose a good solar company.

A solar quote is based on several factors:

  1. System Design: The layout of solar panels on your roof impacts the amount of solar power you generate, as well as the overall aesthetics of your system. Different installers will take different approaches to the design and configuration of your solar panels1.
  2. Equipment Quality: The quality of the solar panels and other equipment used in the installation can affect the cost.
  3. Available Financing Options: The financing options available to you can also influence the final price.
  4. Installer’s Reputation: The reputation of the installer can play a role in the cost.
  5. Location: The location of your property can influence the cost due to variations in labor costs, permitting costs, and other local factors.

The final price of a solar panel system is made up of several components:

  1. Cost of Solar Panels: The cost of the solar panels themselves is a significant part of the total cost.
  2. Installation Costs: This includes the cost of labor and the cost to integrate the solar system into your home’s electrical system.
  3. Permitting Costs: There may be costs associated with obtaining the necessary permits to install the solar system.
  4. Inverter Cost: The inverter, which converts the direct current (DC

*Make sure to get quotes from multiple installers to compare and choose the best option for your specific needs.

Solar Panels Increase Property Value: Solar panels increase your property value by an average of 4.1%, according to data from Zillow. In Wyoming, where the average home value is $331,482, that’s a typical increase of $13,590.

Solar’s Impact on Rural Property Values: A study from the University of Rhode Island looked at 400,000 transactions in New England over the course of 15 years, finding that suburban residential property values suffered negative impacts when nearby solar farms replaced resources perceived as scarce, such as green space. However, this same study found no associated impact on property values for solar farms located in rural areas.

Property Values and Utility-Scale Solar Facilities: A study conducted by the University of Texas at Austin in partnership with Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory surveyed approximately 400 property value assessors nationwide, asking if the assessor believed there was an impact on home prices near these sites, the scale and direction of those impacts, and the source of those impacts. The results indicate that most assessors who responded to the survey believe that “proximity to a solar installation has either no impact or a positive impact on home values”.

In terms of how solar investments are viewed in the local housing market in Wyoming, it’s generally positive. Despite Wyoming ranking 44th out of all 50 states for incentive programs and solar adoption, most solar customers in the state see electric bill savings from their panels that pay off the systems in just 14 years and then save an additional $18,070, on average, after that point. The state receives more sunny days than most states, homeowners enjoy a lower price for solar equipment than the national average, and there are some incentives afforded to Wyomingites that make solar energy more appealing.

  1. Cash Purchases:
    • Pros: Buying solar panels upfront with cash is the best way to go solar from a financial standpoint. You’ll also reap savings quicker because the lower utility bills won’t be offset by loan payments.
    • Cons: The main drawback is the high upfront cost. The average cost of a solar panel system in the U.S. is $31,558.
  2. Solar Loans:
    • Pros: Solar loans allow you to finance the entire cost of a solar system over a period of time. You can take advantage of federal tax credits and other incentives.
    • Cons: You’ll have to pay interest on the loan, which can add to the total cost of the system over time.
  3. Solar Leases/Power Purchase Agreements (PPAs):
    • Pros: With a solar lease or PPA, you pay a fixed monthly amount to a solar company in return for the use of a solar system. You get the benefits of solar power without the upfront costs.
    • Cons: You won’t own the system, and therefore you may not be eligible for tax credits and other incentives. Also, the lease or PPA terms can be complex and may include annual price escalations.

Each of these options has its own set of pros and cons, and the best choice depends on your individual circumstances. It’s recommended to consult with a solar energy expert or a trusted solar installer to understand which option would be the best for you. Also, keep in mind that the incentives and credits can change, so it’s important to check the latest information.

Always choose a local solar company over a big national corporation. Small local companies that operate in a distinct local area are better than multi-state and national solar companies and large corporations.

It’s the small local companies who get the best reviews on our website, and it’s the national multistate companies who get very poor reviews. They can provide a personalized service with a more community-focused approach, and in-depth knowledge of local regulations, incentives, and climate conditions.

There are often quicker response times for service and maintenance. Solar is a local service business, it is extremely difficult to run a solar company and offer good customer service to many locations from a central office.

Is Solar Worth It? Use This Calculator to Decide

Top-Rated Installers

Out top picks among hundreds of reviewed companies across the country.

  • Brower Mechanical, Inc.

    4060 Alvis Ct, Rocklin, CA 95677

    Experience: Since 1979

    Areas Covered: California

    SolarReviews: Not rated

    Best Choice, Local Expert, Experienced Installer, Trusted Solar Provider

    Overall, I would recommend considering Brower Mechanical for residential and commercial HVAC, solar, and home performance needs in the Sacramento area. Their long history, certifications, and focus on energy efficiency make them a solid choice for projects aimed at improving comfort and reducing energy costs.
    Overall, I would recommend considering Brower Mechanical for residential and commercial HVAC, solar, and home performance needs in the Sacramento area. Their long history, certifications, and focus on energy efficiency make them a solid choice for projects aimed at improving comfort and reducing energy costs.
  • Sunergy Solar

    7625 Little Rd Suite 200a, New Port Richey, FL 34654

    Experience: Since 2005

    Areas Covered: Florida, Texas, Arkansas

    SolarReviews: Not rated

    Local Expert, Experienced Installer, Trusted Solar Provider

    Sunergy Solar appears to be an established residential solar and energy efficiency provider in Florida, with plans to expand to other states. The company's long history and high revenue suggest extensive experience in the industry.
    Sunergy Solar appears to be an established residential solar and energy efficiency provider in Florida, with plans to expand to other states. The company's long history and high revenue suggest extensive experience in the industry.
  • Green Team Long Island

    332 Dante Ct Ste B, Holbrook, NY 11741

    Experience: Since 2018

    Areas Covered: New York

    SolarReviews: Not rated

    Local Expert, Experienced Installer, Trusted Solar Provider

    Castaways Energy LLC appears to be a promising choice for solar installations in Florida, combining quality service, reputable partnerships, and a strong commitment to sustainable energy solutions. Their rapid growth and positive customer feedback are encouraging signs of their competence and reliability in the solar industry.
    Castaways Energy LLC appears to be a promising choice for solar installations in Florida, combining quality service, reputable partnerships, and a strong commitment to sustainable energy solutions. Their rapid growth and positive customer feedback are encouraging signs of their competence and reliability in the solar industry.
  • Castaways Energy LLC

    1629 Prime Ct # 600, Orlando, FL 32809

    Experience: Since 2019

    Areas Covered: Florida

    SolarReviews: Not rated

    Best Choice, Local Expert, Experienced Installer, Trusted Solar Provider

    Overall, Castaways Energy LLC appears to be a promising choice for solar installations in Florida, combining quality service, reputable partnerships, and a strong commitment to sustainable energy solutions. Their rapid growth and positive customer feedback are encouraging signs of their competence and reliability in the solar industry.
    Overall, Castaways Energy LLC appears to be a promising choice for solar installations in Florida, combining quality service, reputable partnerships, and a strong commitment to sustainable energy solutions. Their rapid growth and positive customer feedback are encouraging signs of their competence and reliability in the solar industry.
  • SunLife Solar

    3 Germay Dr Unit 4-1478, Wilmington, DE 19804

    Experience: Founded in 2015

    Areas Covered: New York, New Jersey, Connecticut, and potentially other states

    SolarReviews: Not rated

    Local Expert, Experienced Installer, NABCEP Certified, Trusted Solar Provider

    While SunLife Solar appears to be a promising option, especially for those in the NY, NJ, and CT areas, potential customers should conduct due diligence before committing. The company's partnership with SunPower and positive customer feedback are encouraging signs, but more information about their track record and certifications would provide additional reassurance.
    While SunLife Solar appears to be a promising option, especially for those in the NY, NJ, and CT areas, potential customers should conduct due diligence before committing. The company's partnership with SunPower and positive customer feedback are encouraging signs, but more information about their track record and certifications would provide additional reassurance.
  • Apricot Solar

    900 S 4th St, Las Vegas, NV 89101

    Experience: Since 2015

    Areas Covered: California, Nevada, Arizona, and several other states across the US

    SolarReviews: Not rated

    Best Choice, Local Expert, Experienced Installer, Trusted Solar Provider

    As a solar expert, I would approach recommending Apricot Solar with caution. While the company offers attractive features like zero upfront costs and long-term warranties, there are several concerning factors:
    As a solar expert, I would approach recommending Apricot Solar with caution. While the company offers attractive features like zero upfront costs and long-term warranties, there are several concerning factors:
  • Magic Valley Electric LLC

    395 Railway St Suite A, Jerome, ID 83338

    Experience: Since 2013

    Areas Covered: Idaho, Utah, Arizona, Nevada, and Montana

    SolarReviews: Not rated

    Best Choice, Local Expert, Experienced Installer

    As a solar expert, I would highly recommend Magic Valley Electric LLC for electrical and solar installation services in their service areas. The company has demonstrated significant growth and expertise in the electrical industry over the past decade. Their high customer rating (4.8/5) and positive reviews suggest excellent service quality and customer satisfaction.
    As a solar expert, I would highly recommend Magic Valley Electric LLC for electrical and solar installation services in their service areas. The company has demonstrated significant growth and expertise in the electrical industry over the past decade. Their high customer rating (4.8/5) and positive reviews suggest excellent service quality and customer satisfaction.
  • Kayo Energy

    Parking lot, 4050 E Cotton Center Blvd, Phoenix, AZ 85040

    Experience: Since 2017

    Areas Covered: 22 states across the U.S

    SolarReviews: Not rated

    Experienced Installer

    As a solar expert, I would cautiously recommend Kayo Energy as a solar installer, but with some reservations. The company has shown impressive growth and has a strong mission focused on both customer savings and social impact. Their partnership with reputable equipment manufacturers and flexible financing options are positive aspects.
    As a solar expert, I would cautiously recommend Kayo Energy as a solar installer, but with some reservations. The company has shown impressive growth and has a strong mission focused on both customer savings and social impact. Their partnership with reputable equipment manufacturers and flexible financing options are positive aspects.

Solar Companies by State

  • Wyoming

    1 installer

  • West Virginia

    2 installers

  • Washington DC

    5 installers

  • Virginia

    8 installers

  • Vermont

    1 installer

  • Utah

    5 installers

  • Texas

    28 installers

  • Tennessee

    1 installer

  • South Carolina

    2 installers

  • Rhode Island

    3 installers

  • Puerto Rico

    1 installer

  • Pennsylvania

    5 installers

  • Oregon

    3 installers

  • Oklahoma

    6 installers

  • Ohio

    6 installers

  • North Carolina

    9 installers

  • New York

    12 installers

  • New Mexico

    5 installers

  • New Jersey

    5 installers

  • New Hampshire

    4 installers

  • Nevada

    9 installers

  • Montana

    1 installer

  • Missouri

    3 installers

  • Mississippi

    1 installer

  • Minnesota

    1 installer

  • Michigan

    2 installers

  • Massachusetts

    5 installers

  • Maryland

    7 installers

  • Maine

    2 installers

  • Louisiana

    2 installers

  • Kentucky

    2 installers

  • Kansas

    4 installers

  • Iowa

    4 installers

  • Indiana

    1 installer

  • Illinois

    5 installers

  • Idaho

    6 installers

  • Georgia

    3 installers

  • Florida

    11 installers

  • Delaware

    4 installers

  • Connecticut

    5 installers

  • Colorado

    9 installers

  • California

    22 installers

  • Arkansas

    6 installers

  • Arizona

    15 installers

  • Alabama

    1 installer

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