• Centauri Systems LLC logo
    Centauri Systems LLC logo

    Centauri Systems LLC

    101 East Fifth Street, Suite 1500 St. Paul 55101 MN

    Experience: Since 2020

    Areas Covered: MN

    SolarReviews: 4.65

    Local Expert, Experienced Installer, Trusted Solar Provider

    Centauri Systems, a solar installer based in Minnesota, has been making waves in the renewable energy sector. Established in 2020, this relatively young company has quickly gained a reputation for its high-quality service, competitive pricing, and commitment to customer satisfaction. One of the key factors that make Centauri Systems stand out is its high customer ratings. With an average rating of 5.0 based on 55 reviews and 4.65 based on 21 reviews, it’s clear that customers are extremely satisfied with their services. Centauri Systems’ commitment to transparency and competitive pricing is another standout feature. They believe in providing exceptional value without the need for extravagant advertising campaigns, and they pass those savings directly to the consumer. The company’s comprehensive 30-year warranty that comes standard with all of their products is another major plus. This covers roof penetrations, labor, and parts, providing customers with peace of mind.
    Centauri Systems, a solar installer based in Minnesota, has been making waves in the renewable energy sector. Established in 2020, this relatively young company has quickly gained a reputation for its high-quality service, competitive pricing, and commitment to customer satisfaction. One of the key factors that make Centauri Systems stand out is its high customer ratings. With an average rating of 5.0 based on 55 reviews and 4.65 based on 21 reviews, it’s clear that customers are extremely satisfied with their services. Centauri Systems’ commitment to transparency and competitive pricing is another standout feature. They believe in providing exceptional value without the need for extravagant advertising campaigns, and they pass those savings directly to the consumer. The company’s comprehensive 30-year warranty that comes standard with all of their products is another major plus. This covers roof penetrations, labor, and parts, providing customers with peace of mind.


Solar Energy Consultant

We rate solar installers from 1 to 5 stars to help you pick the best one. High stars mean they're really good at what they do and treat their customers right. Low stars? Not so much. We give credit to companies that have been around for a while, know what they are doing, have a high standard of workmanship and equipment, don’t hire subcontractors to keep the bar of solar installation quality high and have good local reviews from real customers (yes, we check if the reviews are actually real or fake). Companies we choose as top-rated know and can help with federal and local solar incentives to help you save, have good financing plans, and guarantee their work. We're here to point you to the solar companies that truly rock, making going solar easy and worthwhile for you.

Read how we rate installers

How Do We Rate Solar Companies?

TL;DR: We rate solar installers from 1 to 5 stars to help you pick the best one. High stars mean they’re really good at what they do and treat their customers right. Low stars? Not so much. We give credit to companies that have been around for a while, know what they are doing, have a high standard of workmanship and equipment, don’t hire subcontractors to keep the bar of solar installation quality high and have good local reviews from real customers (yes, we check if the reviews are actually real or fake). Companies we choose as top-rated know and can help with federal and local solar incentives to help you save, have good financing plans, and guarantee their work. We’re here to point you to the solar companies that truly rock, making going solar easy and worthwhile for you.

Check our detailed review process here.

Is It Worth Going Solar in Minnesota?

Yes, it is worth considering going solar in Minnesota. Here are some reasons:

  1. Solar Resources: Minnesota has annual solar resources similar to areas of Florida and Texas. This means that the state gets a good amount of sunlight, which is beneficial for solar energy production.
  2. Decreasing Costs: Advances in technology and declining equipment costs make solar an attractive clean energy option1. The average cost of a solar panel installation in Minnesota ranges from $14,578 to $19,722.
  3. Financial Incentives: There are financial assistance options available in the form of tax credits and incentives. These can significantly reduce the upfront cost of installing solar panels.
  4. Energy Efficiency: Before investing in solar, it’s recommended to make some basic home improvements that will save energy, such as sealing air leaks, adding insulation, and replacing old heating and cooling systems. By making your home energy efficient first, you can reduce your energy consumption, which in turn reduces the size of the solar energy system you need.
  5. Payback Period: The average solar payback period in Minnesota is 12.65 years. This is the amount of time it takes for you to recover your initial investment through electricity savings.
  6. Increasing Solar Capacity: Solar capacity in Minnesota has been increasing rapidly. In 2018, Minnesota’s solar capacity increased 47%, or 284 MWAC, for a total of 882 MWAC. It’s projected to exceed 1,000 MWAC in 2019.

*Remember, it’s important to get educated about solar energy and plan your system before making the investment. You should also check for community education opportunities in your area and talk to neighbors and friends who have installed solar. Your solar contractor can help identify incentives and financing options.

How much does solar save homeowners in Minnesota?

Solar savings for homeowners in Minnesota can be significant. Here are some key points:

  1. Solar Savings: The average homeowner in Minnesota can save about $23,457 over 20 years on electricity costs with a 5 kW solar system1. This estimate is based on real solar quote data and considers the system’s cost, the federal tax credit, and inflation rates.
  2. Payback Period: The payback period is the amount of time it takes for homeowners who install solar panels to recover their initial investment through electricity savings. In Minnesota, the average solar payback period is around 12 to 14 years.
  3. Comparison with Traditional Electric Bills: The average US electricity bill in the first half of 2023 was $146.92, based on monthly consumption of 881 kWh and the average utility rate of 16.7 cents per kWh. A 7.5 kWh solar system with 5 peak hours of sun per day could more than offset the average homeowner’s electricity charges and save the full $146.92 in electricity charges.
  4. Bills After Solar Installation: If your solar energy system is connected to the grid, as most systems are, you will still receive an electric bill each month. The difference will be in the payment you owe. Oftentimes, electric bills after solar installation are zero or credited through net metering, meaning the homeowner sent more electricity to the grid than they consumed.

These are average figures and actual savings can vary depending on factors like the size of the solar system, the amount of sunlight your location receives, and the rate your utility company charges for electricity.

What is the average cost of going solar in Minnesota?

The average cost of going solar in Minnesota can vary depending on the size of the solar system and other factors. Here are some key points:

  1. Cost per Watt: As of April 2024, the average solar panel system costs $3.13/W including installation in Minnesota. Another source suggests it’s around $3.60 per watt, and yet another suggests it’s $2.74 per watt.
  2. System Size: The typical solar array size in the state to meet local energy demands is 8 kilowatts (kW). However, not all homes will need an 8-kilowatt system. Larger homes may need larger systems due to the energy needed to heat and cool them.
  3. Cost of Installation: For a 5 kW installation, this comes out to about $15,635 before incentives, though prices range from $13,290 to $17,980. After the federal tax credit, the average price drops by 30%. For a 6 kW system, the cost is around $18,762 before incentives1.

These costs include the price of the solar panels, inverter, racking system, and installation. It’s important to note that these are average costs and the actual cost can vary depending on various factors such as the specific equipment used, the installation company, and the specific location of the property.

*Also, these costs do not include any state-specific incentives or rebates that might be available in Minnesota, which could further reduce the cost.

Minnesota Solar Incentives

Federal Incentives:

  • The federal government offers a solar tax credit, also known as the Investment Tax Credit (ITC), which allows you to deduct a percentage of the cost of installing a solar energy system from your federal taxes. The ITC is currently 30% for systems installed between 2022-2032. It will decrease to 26% for systems installed in 2033 and to 22% for systems installed in 2034. The tax credit expires starting in 2035 unless Congress renews it.

Minnesota State Incentives:

  • Sales Tax Exemption: Solar panel installation costs are exempt from sales tax.
  • Property Tax Exemption: Increased property value from solar panel installation is exempt from property taxes.
  • Minnesota Power Rebate: Minnesota Power customers may earn a $5,000 rebate (or 60% rebate, whichever is lower); lottery system if applications exceed budget.
  • Xcel Energy Rewards: Xcel Energy customers may earn $0.02 per kWh for energy production, assuming there is enough budget.
  • Net Metering: Residents may be able to sell excess energy back to their utility provider.
  • SolarSense Lottery: This program provides a performance-based incentive for residential customers of Minnesota Power.
  • Solar for All Program: This program provides funding for various solar projects, including single-family home credit enhancements, manufactured home grants aligned with weatherization, multifamily forgivable lending, community-owned community solar lending, and tribal development funding.

*These incentives make solar energy a more affordable and attractive option for homeowners in Minnesota. However, it’s important to note that most incentive programs are only authorized for a certain period of time or until funding runs out.

Net Metering Policies in Minnesota

Net metering is a policy that allows homeowners with solar panels to get a credit on their electric bill for the energy they produce. Here’s how it works in Minnesota:

  1. Eligibility: Customers of any public utility, municipal utility, and rural electric coops may net meter. However, the rules of net metering differ depending on your electricity provider. For public utilities, eligible systems are sized 1 MW in capacity or less, and for municipal utilities, eligible systems are sized to 40 kW or less.
  2. Compensation: If a customer produces more electricity than they use, a utility will compensate or credit the customer for their excess generation1. The compensation rate depends on several factors: The size of the customer’s system, the specific costs and retail rates of their utility (updated annually), and whether the customer is served by a cooperative, municipal, or public utility.
  3. Billing: Utility customers with net metered systems will be credited for each kilowatt produced by their system and each month will be billed for the number of kilowatt hours they used, minus the number of kilowatt hours generated. If your generation exceeds your usage for a given month, you will receive a credit for each excess kilowatt hour, to be applied in later months when you generate less electricity than you consume.
  4. Additional Fees: Municipal utilities and electric coops may charge net metered customers additional fees to recover any associated fixed costs.
  5. Excess Generation: Compensation for excess generation can depend on which type of electricity provider you use and the size of your system. For all systems 40 kW in capacity or below, compensation is at the average annual retail electricity rate. For systems between 40 kW and 1 MW, compensation is at the public utility’s avoided cost rate.
  6. Banking kWh Credits: Some customers may be eligible to bank kWh credits on their bill to offset future electricity consumption.
  7. No Statewide Limit: Minnesota is one of only two states (Wisconsin is the other) to pay the retail rate for net excess generation of electricity. There is no statewide limit on the amount of electricity that can qualify for net metering payments.


Remember, these policies can significantly reduce the cost of your electric bill and increase the return on your investment in solar energy. However, the availability and amount of these incentives can vary, so it’s always a good idea to check with a local solar installer or your utility company for the most current information.

Are There Any Community Solar Programs in Minnesota?

Yes, there are several community solar programs available in Minnesota. Here’s an overview:

  1. Community Solar: Community solar (also called community shared solar or community solar gardens) offers Minnesotans the opportunity to benefit from solar energy without installing a system at their home. As a community solar subscriber, you participate in a solar energy system along with other subscribers. Your share of the electricity generated by the project is credited on your utility bill.
  2. Solar*Rewards Community: The largest community solar program (Solar*Rewards Community) is administered by Xcel Energy and regulated by the state, but private solar developers—not the utility—actually own the projects and sell the subscriptions.
  3. Minnesota Power Rebate: Minnesota Power customers may earn a $5,000 rebate (or 60% rebate, whichever is lower); lottery system if applications exceed budget.
  4. Solar for All Program: This program provides funding for various solar projects, including single-family home credit enhancements, manufactured home grants aligned with weatherization, multifamily forgivable lending, community-owned community solar lending, and tribal development funding.
  5. Local Community Solar Programs: There are several local community solar programs in Minnesota, such as SunShare and Community Solar.

To take advantage of these programs, you can follow these steps:

  1. Research: Understand the potential costs, risks, and benefits of community solar. Carefully review the subscription contract before signing it.
  2. Contact: If you have questions about subscribing to community solar, contact the Commerce Department’s Energy Information Center.
  3. Subscribe: A subscriber commits to purchasing a portion of the solar energy produced by a shared system1. Payment can be made upfront for your subscription as a one-time fee that covers the life of the agreement (typically, 20-25 years). Some developers also offer a “pay-as-you-go” plan in which you make monthly payments for the energy produced.
  4. Save: On average, most community solar subscribers in Minnesota receive a 5-10% discount off of traditional electricity costs over the course of a year.


Frequently Asked Questions

  1. Check Credentials and Accreditations: Ensure the solar installer is licensed, insured, and certified. A reputable solar installer should have necessary certifications, such as the North American Board of Certified Energy Practitioners (NABCEP) certification.
  2. Experience and Reputation: Look for a company with a solid track record and positive customer reviews. You can check customer ratings and genuine customer feedback to see which installer is the best fit for your solar project.
  3. Turnaround Time: Ask about the installer’s timeline for completing the installation. This can vary depending on the company’s workload and the complexity of your project.
  4. Customized Solutions: Every home is unique, so it’s important that the solar installer offers customized solutions to meet your specific needs.
  5. Local vs National: Decide whether you want a local or national solar installation company. Local companies may have more knowledge about local incentives and regulations, while national companies might have more resources.
  6. Get Multiple Quotes: Don’t settle for the first quote you get. It’s recommended to get quotes from at least three different solar companies to ensure you’re getting the best deal.
  7. Understand the Contract: Before signing any contract, make sure you understand all the terms and conditions, including the warranty for equipment and installation.
  8. Post-Installation Support: Check if the company provides post-installation services and support. This can be crucial for maintenance and dealing with any potential issues down the line.

Remember, the best solar installer for you will depend on your individual needs and circumstances. It’s important to do your research and choose a company that offers high-quality service and has a strong track record in the industry.

Check our detailed guide on how to choose a good solar company.

  1. Suggested System Size: The kilowatts (kW) of power the solar installation can generate under full sun. It should match your energy needs.
  2. Cost Per Watt: This helps compare pricing across different system sizes and offers.
  3. Incentives: Details of any federal, state, or local incentives that apply to your installation.
  4. Energy Production Estimates: How much electricity the system is expected to produce annually.
  5. Projected Electricity Rate Increases: This affects the long-term savings you can expect.
  6. Solar Panel Brand and Model: Quality and efficiency of the panels can impact performance.
  7. Panel Degradation Rate: How much the panels’ energy output is expected to decrease over time.
  8. Financing: Options available for paying for the system, including loans and leases.
  9. Warranties: What guarantees the company provides for their products and installation.

*Make sure to get quotes from multiple installers to compare and choose the best option for your specific needs.

Yes, installing solar panels can increase your home value in Minnesota. Here’s how:

  1. Increased Home Value: On average, solar panels raise a home’s value by 4.1% across the U.S. Given the average home value of $324,215 in Minnesota, most homeowners in the state will see around $13,292 of added value. Your increase in value could be even higher if you live in a more pricey area like Minneapolis.
  2. Long-Term Savings: Solar panels can lead to significant savings on electricity bills over time. The average homeowner in Minnesota can save about $24,141 over the lifetime of their solar system. These savings can make your home more attractive to potential buyers.
  3. Attractiveness to Buyers: Homes with solar panels can be more attractive to prospective buyers, especially those who are environmentally conscious or looking to save on energy costs.
  4. Reduced Dependence on Grid: Solar panels reduce a home’s dependence on the grid, providing a level of energy security that can be appealing to buyers.
  5. Environmental Impact: Solar panels reduce a home’s carbon footprint, which can be a selling point for buyers who are environmentally conscious.

Remember, the actual increase in home value can vary depending on factors like the size and age of the solar system, the amount of sunlight your location receives, and local electricity rates. It’s always a good idea to consult with a real estate professional or appraiser to understand the potential increase in value for your specific home. Also, keep in mind that while solar panels can increase your home’s value, they also represent an upfront investment, so it’s important to consider the cost of the system and your long-term plans for the home. If you plan to stay in the home long enough to recoup your investment through energy savings, solar panels can be a great investment. If you plan to sell soon, you’ll need to weigh the potential increase in home value against the cost of the system.

  1. Solar Loans: As solar has gained popularity throughout the state, more financing institutions are understanding the technology and providing solar-specific loans to their customers.
  2. Home Equity Lines of Credit (HELOCs): Traditional home equity lines of credit can be used for installing a solar array on your property.
  3. Installer Financing: Some solar installers offer financing options. These can be a good option if you prefer to work with a single company for both installation and financing.
  4. Federal Solar Investment Tax Credit (ITC): This is a federal incentive that allows you to deduct a percentage of the cost of installing a solar energy system from your federal taxes.
  5. Minnesota Solar Incentives: The state of Minnesota offers several incentives such as tax credits, rebates, and net metering programs to make solar installations more affordable.
  6. Solar Renewable Energy Certificate (SREC) Program: Solar system owners earn certificates for the renewable energy they generate. These certificates can be sold to utilities or other entities, providing an additional source of income.

*Please note that the specifics of these financing options can vary, so it’s important to check with a solar installation company for the most accurate and up-to-date information.

Always choose a local solar company over a big national corporation. Small local companies that operate in a distinct local area are better than multi-state and national solar companies and large corporations. It’s the small local companies who get the best reviews on our website, and it’s the national multistate companies who get very poor reviews.

They can provide a personalized service with a more community-focused approach, and in-depth knowledge of local regulations, incentives, and climate conditions.

There are often quicker response times for service and maintenance. Solar is a local service business, it is extremely difficult to run a solar company and offer good customer service to many locations from a central office.

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Top-Rated Installers

Out top picks among hundreds of reviewed companies across the country.

  • Brower Mechanical, Inc.

    4060 Alvis Ct, Rocklin, CA 95677

    Experience: Since 1979

    Areas Covered: California

    SolarReviews: Not rated

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    Overall, I would recommend considering Brower Mechanical for residential and commercial HVAC, solar, and home performance needs in the Sacramento area. Their long history, certifications, and focus on energy efficiency make them a solid choice for projects aimed at improving comfort and reducing energy costs.
    Overall, I would recommend considering Brower Mechanical for residential and commercial HVAC, solar, and home performance needs in the Sacramento area. Their long history, certifications, and focus on energy efficiency make them a solid choice for projects aimed at improving comfort and reducing energy costs.
  • Sunergy Solar

    7625 Little Rd Suite 200a, New Port Richey, FL 34654

    Experience: Since 2005

    Areas Covered: Florida, Texas, Arkansas

    SolarReviews: Not rated

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    Sunergy Solar appears to be an established residential solar and energy efficiency provider in Florida, with plans to expand to other states. The company's long history and high revenue suggest extensive experience in the industry.
    Sunergy Solar appears to be an established residential solar and energy efficiency provider in Florida, with plans to expand to other states. The company's long history and high revenue suggest extensive experience in the industry.
  • Green Team Long Island

    332 Dante Ct Ste B, Holbrook, NY 11741

    Experience: Since 2018

    Areas Covered: New York

    SolarReviews: Not rated

    Local Expert, Experienced Installer, Trusted Solar Provider

    Castaways Energy LLC appears to be a promising choice for solar installations in Florida, combining quality service, reputable partnerships, and a strong commitment to sustainable energy solutions. Their rapid growth and positive customer feedback are encouraging signs of their competence and reliability in the solar industry.
    Castaways Energy LLC appears to be a promising choice for solar installations in Florida, combining quality service, reputable partnerships, and a strong commitment to sustainable energy solutions. Their rapid growth and positive customer feedback are encouraging signs of their competence and reliability in the solar industry.
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    1629 Prime Ct # 600, Orlando, FL 32809

    Experience: Since 2019

    Areas Covered: Florida

    SolarReviews: Not rated

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    Overall, Castaways Energy LLC appears to be a promising choice for solar installations in Florida, combining quality service, reputable partnerships, and a strong commitment to sustainable energy solutions. Their rapid growth and positive customer feedback are encouraging signs of their competence and reliability in the solar industry.
    Overall, Castaways Energy LLC appears to be a promising choice for solar installations in Florida, combining quality service, reputable partnerships, and a strong commitment to sustainable energy solutions. Their rapid growth and positive customer feedback are encouraging signs of their competence and reliability in the solar industry.
  • SunLife Solar

    3 Germay Dr Unit 4-1478, Wilmington, DE 19804

    Experience: Founded in 2015

    Areas Covered: New York, New Jersey, Connecticut, and potentially other states

    SolarReviews: Not rated

    Local Expert, Experienced Installer, NABCEP Certified, Trusted Solar Provider

    While SunLife Solar appears to be a promising option, especially for those in the NY, NJ, and CT areas, potential customers should conduct due diligence before committing. The company's partnership with SunPower and positive customer feedback are encouraging signs, but more information about their track record and certifications would provide additional reassurance.
    While SunLife Solar appears to be a promising option, especially for those in the NY, NJ, and CT areas, potential customers should conduct due diligence before committing. The company's partnership with SunPower and positive customer feedback are encouraging signs, but more information about their track record and certifications would provide additional reassurance.
  • Apricot Solar

    900 S 4th St, Las Vegas, NV 89101

    Experience: Since 2015

    Areas Covered: California, Nevada, Arizona, and several other states across the US

    SolarReviews: Not rated

    Best Choice, Local Expert, Experienced Installer, Trusted Solar Provider

    As a solar expert, I would approach recommending Apricot Solar with caution. While the company offers attractive features like zero upfront costs and long-term warranties, there are several concerning factors:
    As a solar expert, I would approach recommending Apricot Solar with caution. While the company offers attractive features like zero upfront costs and long-term warranties, there are several concerning factors:
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    Experience: Since 2013

    Areas Covered: Idaho, Utah, Arizona, Nevada, and Montana

    SolarReviews: Not rated

    Best Choice, Local Expert, Experienced Installer

    As a solar expert, I would highly recommend Magic Valley Electric LLC for electrical and solar installation services in their service areas. The company has demonstrated significant growth and expertise in the electrical industry over the past decade. Their high customer rating (4.8/5) and positive reviews suggest excellent service quality and customer satisfaction.
    As a solar expert, I would highly recommend Magic Valley Electric LLC for electrical and solar installation services in their service areas. The company has demonstrated significant growth and expertise in the electrical industry over the past decade. Their high customer rating (4.8/5) and positive reviews suggest excellent service quality and customer satisfaction.
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    Parking lot, 4050 E Cotton Center Blvd, Phoenix, AZ 85040

    Experience: Since 2017

    Areas Covered: 22 states across the U.S

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    As a solar expert, I would cautiously recommend Kayo Energy as a solar installer, but with some reservations. The company has shown impressive growth and has a strong mission focused on both customer savings and social impact. Their partnership with reputable equipment manufacturers and flexible financing options are positive aspects.
    As a solar expert, I would cautiously recommend Kayo Energy as a solar installer, but with some reservations. The company has shown impressive growth and has a strong mission focused on both customer savings and social impact. Their partnership with reputable equipment manufacturers and flexible financing options are positive aspects.

Solar Companies by State

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    1 installer

  • West Virginia

    2 installers

  • Washington DC

    5 installers

  • Virginia

    8 installers

  • Vermont

    1 installer

  • Utah

    5 installers

  • Texas

    28 installers

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    1 installer

  • South Carolina

    2 installers

  • Rhode Island

    3 installers

  • Puerto Rico

    1 installer

  • Pennsylvania

    5 installers

  • Oregon

    3 installers

  • Oklahoma

    6 installers

  • Ohio

    6 installers

  • North Carolina

    9 installers

  • New York

    12 installers

  • New Mexico

    5 installers

  • New Jersey

    5 installers

  • New Hampshire

    4 installers

  • Nevada

    9 installers

  • Montana

    1 installer

  • Missouri

    3 installers

  • Mississippi

    1 installer

  • Minnesota

    1 installer

  • Michigan

    2 installers

  • Massachusetts

    5 installers

  • Maryland

    7 installers

  • Maine

    2 installers

  • Louisiana

    2 installers

  • Kentucky

    2 installers

  • Kansas

    4 installers

  • Iowa

    4 installers

  • Indiana

    1 installer

  • Illinois

    5 installers

  • Idaho

    6 installers

  • Georgia

    3 installers

  • Florida

    11 installers

  • Delaware

    4 installers

  • Connecticut

    5 installers

  • Colorado

    9 installers

  • California

    22 installers

  • Arkansas

    6 installers

  • Arizona

    15 installers

  • Alabama

    1 installer

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