How to Choose a Good Solar Installer?

By ·Published On: October 16, 2023·Categories: Residential Solar·Last Updated: March 5, 2024·13 min read·Views: 191·

Thinking about going solar? Smart move! But here’s the thing: getting a solar system isn’t just about buying panels and sticking them on your roof.

Who installs them makes a big difference. You’re about to drop some serious cash, so you want to make sure it’s done right. A good installation can save you money for years, while a bad one… well, let’s not go there.

That’s why choosing the right installer is key. They should know their stuff, from the tech to the permits, and everything in between.

Let’s walk through how to do that without getting overwhelmed.

Local Solar Company vs Large Multi-State Installers: Which is Better?

When it comes to installing solar panels, choosing a local solar installer is often the smartest choice. Local solar companies bring a level of care and expertise that’s hard to match, especially since solar installation is inherently a local business.

These companies have a deep understanding of the specific regulations and incentives in your area, ensuring that your solar project complies with local standards and takes full advantage of available benefits.

Local companies are better at giving personal attention to customers and knowing more about the solar needs and regulations in their area. Customers seem to be happier with local companies and less satisfied with national ones. Solar energy is a local thing, and it’s tough for big companies to provide good customer service from a central location to different regions.

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Verify Licensing, Insurance, and Certifications

First off, check if your installer has the right paperwork. Different places have different rules, so look up what’s needed in your area. At a minimum, they should be licensed and insured. This protects you if something goes wrong.

The first step is making sure your installer is legit. Think of it like choosing a pilot for your flight. You wouldn’t want someone without a pilot’s license, right? The same goes for your solar installer. Here’s what to look out for:


Solar installers need to have the right licenses to work in your state or county. It’s like a badge of honor that says, “Yep, I know what I’m doing.”

The requirements can vary, so a quick online search or a call to your local government can tell you what’s needed in your area.


Accidents happen, even to the best of us. That’s why it’s crucial your solar installer has insurance. We’re talking liability insurance (in case something gets damaged) and workers’ compensation insurance (in case someone gets hurt). It’s all about protecting you and your property.

NABCEP Certification

NABCEP stands for the North American Board of Certified Energy Practitioners. It’s the gold standard for solar professionals. Installers with this certification have passed a tough exam and have proven they know their solar stuff.

But it’s not just about book smarts. NABCEP-certified pros also commit to doing business ethically and putting their customers first.

So, when you see this certification, you can feel more confident in your choice.

Evaluate Company Experience and Expertise

Just like you wouldn’t want a newbie chef making your wedding cake, you don’t want a rookie installing your solar panels.

Experience in the solar industry is a huge deal. It’s not just about putting panels on a roof; it’s about knowing how to handle unexpected challenges, understanding local regulations, and maximizing the efficiency of your system.

Here’s why experience matters and how you can dig deeper:

Why Experience Counts

Experienced solar installers have seen it all. They’ve worked on roofs like yours, dealt with your local utility company, and know exactly how to design a system that meets your energy needs. This wealth of experience means they’re less likely to run into problems they can’t solve and more likely to get your installation right the first time.

Quality of Installation

There’s a direct link between an installer’s experience and the quality of their work. Experienced installers use best practices for system design and installation, ensuring your solar panels perform optimally for years to come.

They’ll also be up to date on the latest technology and products, giving you access to the best solutions on the market.

Questions to ask:

  • How long have you been installing solar systems? This gives you a snapshot of their experience.
  • Can you share examples of past projects similar to mine? Looking at previous work helps you gauge their expertise with setups like yours.
  • What challenges have you encountered in installations, and how did you overcome them? This question tests their problem-solving skills and adaptability.
  • Are you familiar with local permitting and utility requirements? Local knowledge is key to a smooth installation process.
  • What’s the latest technology you’ve worked with, and how do you stay updated? This shows their commitment to staying current in the fast-evolving solar industry.

Choosing a solar installer with significant experience and expertise ensures you’re not their practice project.

It’s about getting peace of mind that your investment is in good hands. So, take the time to ask these questions and get a feel for their track record. Your solar system will thank you.

Research Reviews, Reputation, and Resolutions to Complaints

Alright, you’ve checked for licenses and experience. Now, it’s time to play detective. Reviews and reputations give you the real scoop on what it’s like working with a solar installer. But it’s not just about star ratings. How they handle complaints says a lot too. Here’s how to dig deep:

Where to Find Reliable Reviews

  • Google Reviews: A great starting point for honest feedback.
  • Better Business Bureau (BBB): Check for accreditation, ratings, and how complaints are handled.
  • Yelp: Good for a broad range of opinions, but take it with a grain of salt.
  • Specifically tailored to solar companies, offering insights from customers across the U.S.

Evaluating Company Responses to Complaints

A complaint isn’t a deal-breaker. No company is perfect. What matters is how they respond. Do they offer solutions? Do they take responsibility?

A company that addresses complaints head-on, showing care and a commitment to making things right, is one you can feel good about.

Understanding Reviews – Tips and Red Flags

  • Consistency: Are positive reviews spread out over time, or do they cluster suspiciously? Consistent praise over the years is a good sign.
  • Details: Look for reviews that go beyond “Great job!” Detailed accounts of their experience provide a clearer picture.
  • Red Flags: Beware of repeated mentions of the same issue, like missed deadlines or poor communication. It could indicate systemic problems.

Questions to Consider

  • Does the company engage with reviewers, both positive and negative? This shows they value feedback and are proactive about customer service.
  • Are there any patterns in the complaints? Common issues could signal deeper problems.
  • How recent are the reviews? Recent feedback is more indicative of the company’s current state.

Remember, reviews are just one piece of the puzzle. Combine what you learn from them with the other research you’re doing.

Together, they’ll paint a more complete picture of what to expect from a solar installer.

Assess Financing Options and Offers

Solar isn’t pocket change, and how you choose to pay for it can have a big impact on your wallet. Whether you’re paying upfront or financing, the devil’s in the details.

Let’s break down what you need to know about financing your solar dream without getting caught in a financial nightmare.

Understanding Financing Terms

  • Interest Rates: They can make or break a deal. Lower rates mean lower overall costs but read the fine print. Some rates might start low and then jump up.
  • Payment Schedule: Know when and how much you’re expected to pay. Some plans have escalating payments, so what starts affordable can become a burden.
  • Term Length: How long will you be paying? Longer terms might mean lower monthly payments, but more interest over time.

Federal Tax Credits and Transparency:

The federal government offers a tax credit for solar installations, which can significantly reduce your cost. Ensure any financing option clearly shows how this credit is applied. Some shady deals might not pass the full savings on to you.

Ask directly, “How does the federal tax credit apply to my financing plan?” The answer should be straightforward and transparent.

Comparing Financing to Upfront Payment

Paying in full upfront usually means the lowest overall cost for your solar system. Plus, you immediately start saving on your energy bills.

Financing offers a way to go solar without a large initial outlay. It’s great for spreading out the cost, but remember, interest adds up. Over time, you’ll pay more than if you’d paid upfront.

Why Compare?

Comparing helps you understand the long-term costs and benefits. What seems cheaper now might be more expensive in the long run.

Consider your financial situation. If you can afford to pay upfront, you’ll save more over time. If not, financing can still make solar affordable—just choose wisely.

Final Tips

  1. Request a clear comparison of total costs over time between upfront payment and various financing options.
  2. Don’t just go with the first financing offer. Compare rates and terms from different providers.
  3. Think about how long you plan to stay in your home. If you might move soon, understand how your solar financing can impact the sale.

Compare Multiple Solar Quotes

Jumping at the first solar quote might seem like saving time, but it’s like buying the first car you test drive without checking others—it might not be the best deal out there.

Getting multiple quotes is crucial for finding the right match for your solar needs and budget.

Here’s why it’s worth the extra effort and what to look out for:

Why Get Multiple Quotes?

  • Cost Comparison: Prices can vary widely between installers. By comparing, you ensure you’re getting a fair price.
  • Equipment Quality: Not all solar panels and inverters are created equal. Different quotes can offer insights into various brands and their performance.
  • Installation Schedules: Timing is everything. Some installers might have long wait times, while others can get to work sooner.
  • Warranty Terms: Warranties can differ significantly in duration and coverage. Longer, more comprehensive warranties offer greater peace of mind.

Pro Tips

  • Make sure you’re comparing similar systems in terms of size and output. A lower price might mean a less powerful system.
  • If anything in the quote isn’t clear, ask. This is a big investment, and you deserve to know every detail.
  • Quotes aren’t always final. If you prefer one company but another has given you a better offer, see if they can match it.

Understand the True Value of a Quote

Spotting a solar quote that’s way lower than the rest can feel like hitting the jackpot. But hold up—this isn’t the time to rush in. A quote that’s significantly lower than others might be waving red flags instead of green.

Here’s what to watch out for and why quality trumps a bargain-bin price every time.

Low Prices: What’s the Catch?

To offer rock-bottom prices, some installers might skimp on essential aspects like quality equipment or experienced labor. This can lead to a system that underperforms or needs frequent repairs.

That low initial quote might not include everything. Suddenly, you’re paying extra for permits, installation, or even essential components.

Bottom line: While everyone loves a good deal, when it comes to solar, the cheapest quote often isn’t the best value. Investing a bit more upfront can save you a lot of headaches and extra costs later on. So, take a close look at what each quote is offering, and remember: good quality pays off in the long run.

Additional Considerations

There are a few more things to keep in mind beyond just picking an installer.

Permitting Process and Timeline

Before any panels hit your roof, there’s some paperwork to sort out. The permitting process can vary widely depending on where you live.

Generally, your installer will handle this, but it’s good to know what’s happening behind the scenes:

  • Sometimes, permits are approved quickly; other times, it’s a waiting game. These delays can affect when your project starts, so factor this into your timeline.
  • Every area has its own rules. Your installer should be familiar with these and able to navigate the permitting process smoothly.

Understanding the permitting process can help set realistic expectations for your project’s timeline. Patience is key here!

Solar Technology and Equipment

Not all solar setups are created equal. The technology and equipment you choose can have a big impact on your system’s efficiency and longevity:

  • Panels and inverters: Do some homework on the different types of solar panels and inverters. Consider efficiency, durability, and warranty.
  • Tailored solutions: There’s no one-size-fits-all. Your home’s location, roof space, and your energy needs should dictate the technology you opt for.

Choosing the right technology is crucial for maximizing your investment. Your installer should offer advice tailored to your specific situation.

Post-Installation Support and Maintenance

Finally, think about what happens after the installers leave. A good solar company will stick around, offering support and maintenance services:

  • Warranty service: Should anything go wrong, you’ll want prompt, hassle-free service under your warranty.
  • Maintenance checks: Some companies offer regular maintenance checks to ensure your system is running smoothly.
  • Customer support: Good after-sales support means there’s always someone on the other end of the line ready to help.

After-sales support can be the difference between a worry-free solar experience and one filled with frustration.

Final Take

Picking the right solar installer is a big deal. It’s more than just slapping panels on your roof; it’s about choosing a partner for your energy future. Here’s the lowdown on making that choice with confidence:

  • Check their creds: Make sure they’ve got the right licenses and insurance. If they’re NABCEP certified, that’s a gold star.
  • Experience counts: Go with pros who’ve been around the block. They’ll know how to handle your specific needs and dodge any curveballs.
  • Do your homework: Scour reviews to get the real scoop on their rep. A company that fixes its mistakes is a good sign.
  • Talk money smart: Get the 411 on all the financing stuff. Don’t let hidden fees surprise you later.
  • Shop around: Comparing quotes is key. It’s not just about the price tag but also about quality and service.
  • Go local: Local installers get your area’s rules and perks. Plus, they’re right around the corner if you need help.

In the end, choosing a solar installer is all about doing your research and asking the right questions. Take your time, and pick someone you trust.

Ready to Go Solar?

Why wait? Get a personalized solar quote with us today. It’s quick, it’s easy, and it’s the first step towards harnessing the power of the sun.

At, we’re committed to connecting you with a solar installer who not only meets your needs but exceeds your expectations.

Let’s light up your home with green energy together!

Nate is a solar expert with years of hands-on experience. He knows solar tech and sustainable energy inside out. His advice has helped many homeowners and businesses go green. Nate is passionate about eco-friendly living. That's why he's a big voice in the solar community.

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About the Author: Nate Rodda

Nate is a solar expert with years of hands-on experience. He knows solar tech and sustainable energy inside out. His advice has helped many homeowners and businesses go green. Nate is passionate about eco-friendly living. That's why he's a big voice in the solar community.

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