Terms of Use

Effective Date: 03.05.2024

Last Updated: 03.05.2024

Welcome to Nerd.solar, accessible at nerd.solar. These Terms of Use (“Terms”) govern your access to and use of our services and website (“Service”). By accessing or using the Service, you agree to be bound by these Terms and our Privacy Policy.


Request a Quote: Upon submission of your details, we will initiate contact with potential service providers (third parties) who might fulfill your requirements, or alternatively, we might recommend certain organizations for you to evaluate and reach out to on your own. However, we cannot assure the availability of such organizations to meet your specific needs, nor do we vouch for their expertise or operational methods. The decision to form a direct agreement or contract with any of these organizations rests solely with you, and we do not provide any assurances regarding their work performance or the results of any services rendered.

The terms of any agreements you enter into with these organizations will be governed by the laws of your state or local jurisdiction. In the event of any disagreements, it is your responsibility to resolve these directly with the organization in question. By using our service, you agree to absolve our company (including our employees, agents, and affiliates), as well as any third parties we may connect you with (including product manufacturers or suppliers), from all claims, damages, or liabilities, whether they are direct, indirect, known, unknown, or otherwise, that may arise from such disputes or your interactions with these organizations.

Should you notice any inaccuracies or outdated information on our website, please notify us at [email protected] so that we can make the necessary corrections.

If you discover that any information on our site is incorrect or otherwise needs review or revision please email us at [email protected] so we may address any issues.

Guidelines for Service Use

Your engagement with our services is intended for personal, non-commercial use only, unless we have expressly authorized commercial use in writing. We maintain the right to terminate your access at our discretion.

This service is exclusively available to United States citizens. By utilizing this service, you confirm that you are indeed a citizen of the United States.

Prohibited Activities Notice:

Unauthorized commercial use of our content or systems, including but not limited to web scraping, email exploitation, and unauthorized content extraction, is strictly forbidden. We actively monitor and record site activities to prevent misuse. Individuals or entities found engaging in prohibited activities will face legal actions, including fines and compensation for damages. Specifically, users are prohibited from employing any automated or manual techniques to access, acquire, or monitor content or data from the website without our explicit written permission.

Accessing or attempting to access information not publicly disclosed, violating website security, impersonating others, or any activity that disrupts the website’s normal functioning is strictly prohibited.

Liability for False Information:

Submitting false information, such as incorrect names, contact details, or any form of misleading data, is considered fraudulent and could lead to significant legal and financial consequences. This includes damages to privacy rights, resource wastage in addressing fraudulent submissions, and potential regulatory fines.

Should you knowingly submit false information, you agree to indemnify and compensate Nerd.solar and any affected service providers for either a minimum of $11,000 for each affected party per false submission or the actual damages incurred, whichever is greater. This includes direct, punitive, and consequential damages as well as any legal costs associated with such fraudulent activities.

  1. Changes to Terms of Use

We reserve the right to modify these Terms at any time. Changes will become effective immediately upon posting to our website. Your continued use of our Service after changes have been posted constitutes your acceptance of those changes.

  1. Services Description

Our Service connects users with third-party organizations (“Service Providers”) that may meet their project needs. While we facilitate these connections, we do not guarantee the suitability, reliability, or quality of the services provided by these third parties. Engagements with Service Providers are subject to separate agreements directly between you and the Service Provider.

  1. User Information

When using our Service, you may be asked to provide information about yourself and your project needs. You agree to provide accurate, current, and complete information. We respect your privacy and are committed to protecting it. Our use of your information is governed by our Privacy Policy.

  1. User Responsibilities

You agree to use our Service only for lawful purposes and in accordance with these Terms. Prohibited activities include, but are not limited to:

  • Unauthorized access to our Service, including through hacking, password mining, or any other means.
  • Use of our Service to send unsolicited communications or for gathering sensitive information without consent.
  • Impersonation of others or providing false information.
  1. Intellectual Property

The content, features, and functionality of the Service are and remain the exclusive property of [Your Company Name] and its licensors. Unauthorized use of our trademarks, logos, or service marks is prohibited.

  1. Third-Party Links

Our Service may contain links to third-party websites or services. We have no control over and assume no responsibility for the content, privacy policies, or practices of any third-party sites or services.

  1. Termination

We may terminate or suspend your access to our Service without prior notice or liability, for any reason whatsoever, including without limitation if you breach the Terms.

  1. Limitation of Liability
[Your Company Name] shall not be liable for any indirect, incidental, special, consequential, or punitive damages resulting from your access to or use of, or inability to access or use the Service.

  1. Governing Law

These Terms shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of [Jurisdiction], without regard to its conflict of law provisions.

  1. Dispute Resolution

Any disputes arising under these Terms will be resolved through binding arbitration in accordance with the rules of [Arbitration Association] in [Jurisdiction].

  1. Contact Information

For any questions or concerns regarding these Terms, please contact us at [Contact Information].

Privacy Commitment

Your privacy is paramount to us. To better serve your needs and enhance your experience, we gather both location and contact details. You have the freedom to modify and review this information before it’s officially submitted to us. Rest assured, your personal data is safe with us—we do not engage in selling, trading, or renting it out without your explicit consent.

There are instances, especially when you’re directed to us by one of our affiliates, where the information you provide might be shared with them. Additionally, we supply anonymized marketing data to trusted third-party entities, ensuring no personal identifiers are included. This anonymized data, which helps us gauge and enhance site usage and performance, includes metrics like sales, visitor navigation patterns, and other relevant statistics, primarily derived from anonymized IP addresses and cookies usage.

To tailor advertisements on our platform, we collaborate with external advertising firms that might use cookies and action tags (or web beacons) to determine the effectiveness of ads. Rest assured, the data collected through these means remains completely anonymous.

Service Reliability

We aim for 99% service availability, striving to keep our platform accessible around the clock. Despite our best efforts, there might be instances of temporary unavailability due to routine maintenance or unforeseen technical work. Should our services face unexpected downtime, we commit to providing timely updates on our homepage. While we implement robust measures to safeguard against data loss—including regular, comprehensive backups—please note that we cannot be held accountable for any potential data loss incidents.

Should you encounter any inaccuracies or issues within our service, we encourage you to reach out. Your feedback is invaluable for us to implement necessary improvements.

Contact Us About Privacy Concerns

If you have any questions or worries about how we handle your privacy, please don’t hesitate to get in touch with us at:

Email: [email protected]

Phone number: +18136446947

Address: 6902 Hanley Rd, Tampa, FL 33634

Your trust is the foundation of our service, and we’re dedicated to upholding the highest standards of privacy and data protection.

  1. Acknowledgment